CMM Seminar Series - Dr Vivian Li, Francis Crick Institute

21 February 2023, 1.00 PM - 21 February 2023, 2.00 PM

Dr Vivian Li

Chemistry Building, Lecture Theatre 3

Talk title: TBC

Background: Vivian Li obtained her PhD at the University of Hong Kong (Department of Pathology) in 2008, where she researched the molecular mechanism of human colonic development and tumourigenesis. She received the Gold Medal Prize for her PhD thesis.

After completing her PhD study, Vivian was funded by the Croucher Foundation Fellowship to pursue her post-doctoral research training with Hans Clevers at the Hubrecht Institute in the Netherlands. Her work focused on Wnt pathway proteomics and characterising intestinal stem cell genes using newly created transgenic mouse models.

She has contributed to the identification of novel Wnt signalling mechanisms at different subcellular levels (receptor, core destruction complex and transcription). During her postdoc studies, she has become familiar with reverse mouse genetics and the state-of-the-art ex vivo organoid cultures.

Vivian established her lab at the MRC National Institute for Medical Research (now part of the Francis Crick Institute) in February 2013

Institutional Profile: Vivian Li | Crick

Contact information


Host: Professor Anne Ridley

Dr Vivian Li

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