CMM Seminar Series - Dr Konstaninos Tzelepis, University of Cambridge

16 May 2023, 1.00 PM - 16 May 2023, 2.00 PM

Dr Konstaninos Tzelepis, University of Cambridge

Lecture Theatre C42, Biomedical Sciences Building

Talk Title: 

Background: Epitranscriptomics, the modulation of RNA function via its chemical modification, has emerged as a pervasive new mechanism of gene regulation. The role of the epitranscriptome on stem cell fate, maintenance and ageing remains largely unexplored. Similarly, the impact of aberrant RNA modification and editing on oncogenic transformation and cancer stem cell maintenance remains poorly investigated, however early studies suggest that the modification of RNA could be exploited for the development of new therapies for devastating diseases including anti-leukaemia therapies.

My group investigates the relevance of RNA modifications in normal and malignant stem cell biology, with a focus on haematopoiesis. Using sophisticated CRISPR screening platforms, I have identified a significant number of epitranscriptomic vulnerabilities of acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) and have gone on to investigate some of these in detail, including the m6A writer METTL3 (Barbieri et al, Nature, 2017) and the m7G writer METTL1 (Orellana et al, Mol Cell, 2021). Notably, our latest study of the first-in-class METTL3 inhibitor (Yankova et al, Nature, 2021) provides strong proof-of-concept that RNA-modifying enzymes represent a new avenue for anti-cancer therapeutics.

Future aims include study of selected RNA modifying enzymes which I identified as essential for either normal or leukaemic haematopoietic stem cells and whose function is currently unknown or incompletely understood with a particular focus on how particular RNA modifications regulate cell fate, differentiation, ageing and leukaemogenesis in normal and malignant haematopoiesis.

Institutional Profile: Dr Konstantinos Tzelepis - Department of Haematology (

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Host: Professor Karim Malik

Dr Konstaninos Tzelepis

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