Multiomic profiling of patient-derived subclones identifies aggressive cellular subpopulations in paediatric diffuse high-grade gliomas (PDHGGs)

1 February 2023, 4.00 PM - 1 February 2023, 5.00 PM

Ketty Kessler (Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute of Cancer Research, London)


Hosted by the European Association for Cancer Research (EACR) with industry partner Illumina

Recent advances in single-cell methodologies and multiomic profiling enables gaining an unprecedent insight into heterogenous tumours: PDHGGs. These incurable tumours classify into distinct subgroup based upon their location and defining molecular alterations. In our patient-derived models, we identified an aggressive subpopulation defined by gene and protein expression profiles, secreted proteins, and chromatin configuration changes at key oncogenic loci such as FOS. A trans-histone mechanism driven by the methyltransferase (KMT5B) loss to lead to differential cis-regulation of genes involved in cell invasion/migration. Application of functionally-defined interventional strategies aimed at disrupting the interactions between these subpopulations may offer a novel therapeutic approach.

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