Introduction to policy engagement for PGRs

2 March 2022, 10.00 AM - 2 March 2022, 12.00 PM


Hosted by PolicyBristol

Book through Bristol Doctoral College

Policy engagement fosters a conversation between academia and policy-focussed audiences with the aim of achieving real world policy impact. This training will give PGRs an overview of the policy engagement landscape as well as helping them identify relevant policy audiences and other stakeholders and consider which tools might be useful when carrying out policy engagement. We will use UK examples to explore policymaking but will have some time at the end to discuss how you could engage with international policy actors.

Learning objectives:

  • To understand what is meant by policy engagement
  • To understand the role and purpose of different layers of the policy-making landscape
  • To be able to identify key policy and practice audiences including those that might find your research challenging
  • ​To understand the tools for policy engagement
  • To be able to recognise the challenges of policy engagement and plan to mitigate risks

Please note this training session is open for PGRs in their 2nd year onwards.

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