Introduction to writing rapid evidence reviews – online course

1 March 2022, 9.30 AM - 1 March 2022, 1.00 PM


Hosted by the NIHR Applied Rseaerch Collaboration West

Do you regularly have to produce rapid summaries of research evidence to inform a decision? Are you looking in the right way for evidence? Do you feel confident about putting together your findings into a summary?

Aims of the course
This new introductory webinar aims to break down the steps for carrying out a rapid review of evidence, sharing one approach to producing such reviews and the templates used, to help people who are new to evidence reviewing. The webinar will take a practical approach with exercises embedded in the session to build confidence. By the end you should be able to:

  • Frame a specific question and know how and where to search for evidence;
  • Decide how far you should trust the evidence you find;
  • Know how to report your findings and use the evidence effectively.

As there will be activities to complete and a chance to ask questions and get feedback, we are limiting places to 15.

What is the format of the course?
The webinar duration is 3.5 hours which includes a 30 minute break for you to complete some activities away from the live session. There will also be some group activities in break out rooms to provide feedback and group interaction. Please note: there will be some pre-reading to help you get the most out of the course. In addition, although a refresh of research design will be included in the session, some confidence in recognising different types of studies will be helpful as well as a basic understanding of how to critique research. Further resources will be signposted.

Who is the course for?
This course is aimed at staff who are required to put together a summary of evidence to inform decision-making in health and social care and are new to this process. This could be those working in public health, in local councils, commissioning staff in CCGs, voluntary sector staff and others.

Register for your place, registration closes 22 January 2022. 

Contact information

Contact Jon Kerslake with any enquiries. 

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