Inclusive Research Collective: Inclusive Human Participant Research

23 June 2021, 1.00 PM - 23 June 2021, 2.30 PM

Pollyanna Sheehan (University of Bristol)


Hosted by the Inclusive Research Collective, a series of seminars on Inclusive Research Practices

This session will explore common barriers to diversity in studies with human participants, and will provide guidance on how to make sure your own research is accessible and inclusive.

Human participant research is somehow both antithetical and complementary to science. On the one hand, working with human participants provides incredibly rich and complex data with ‘real-world’ ecological validity. On the other, this richness is due to the incredible number of variables which uncontrollably become intertwined with your research interest, potentially limiting the conclusions you can draw from your work. Historical over-representation of white men as research participants, coupled with often overly-stringent exclusion criteria has led to a diversity crisis in human participant research. For our research to be truly inclusive, representative and generalisable to the rest of the population, our data must be collected from diverse individuals.

Register for your free place

 ‘Inclusive Research Practices’ is a series of online events taking a closer look at biased and exclusionary practices in life sciences research and how we can overcome these issues to achieve equitable and representative science. The series considers four key aspects of life sciences research: basic research, working with human participants, data science and the environmental impact of research. ​

Each event is 1.5 hours long and begins with a 15-minute introduction and interactive activity to encourage attendees to actively engage with the topic at hand. There will then be 2 speakers, each giving a 20-minute presentation followed by a panel discussion and questions from the audience.​

You are encouraged to attend as many events in the series as possible- regardless of your own research focus or methods. 

This series is organised by the Inclusive Research Collective.

For more information visit

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