NIHR ARC West showcase

15 March 2021, 10.00 AM - 15 March 2021, 3.00 PM


Join the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Applied Research Collaboration (ARC) West for this special showcase exploring our applied health research.

Find out about our research priorities and how we work with our partners. Hear from our collaborators and public contributors, who help us do better research and communicate our findings more clearly.

Speakers include:  

  • Dr Louise Wood, Director of Science, Research and Evidence at the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC)
  • Robert Woolley, Chief Executive of UHBW Foundation Trust
  • Professor John Macleod, Director, ARC West

Parallel sessions will explore our different research themes, and there’s a chance to network with others.

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Contact information

Contact the organiser via the registration page

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