'The kin of sound stream segmentors': on the beginnings of classical Greek culture viewed from its end

10 March 2021, 5.00 PM - 10 March 2021, 6.30 PM

Dr Gerald Wildgruber (Berlin)

Online - Zoom

This forms part of the interdisciplinary research seminar series on Greece, Rome, and Media Theory to run online this term.

This talk aims to investigate a strange entry in Hesychius’ 5th century AD lexicon explaining Homeric word use. This entry is interesting as it gives a very technical, and as we might say, “media-technical” interpretation of what it means to be human. Humans are not only defined by having language but by submitting it to a certain technical treatment (sound stream segmentation). I shall try to give some ideas on the great systematic relevance of the analytical technique in question (e.g. writing, time-reckoning, mathematics).

To register for this seminar, please visit: https://bristol-ac-uk.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJckf--tqjkpHdWuMEzmkayM-TpxlRqu0oWL

Contact information

Organiser: Pantelis Michelakis (p.michelakis@bris.ac.uk

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