Drugs, time and tears: wars and media at the beginning and end of history

3 March 2021, 5.00 PM - 3 March 2021, 6.30 PM

Dr Geoffrey Winthrop Young (British Columbia)

Online - Zoom

 This forms part of the interdisciplinary research seminar series on Greece, Rome, and Media Theory to run online this term.

Informed by the current 'temporal turn', and looking at certain arguments proposed, among others, by Reinhart Koselleck, François Hartog and Friedrich Kittler, my remarks are an informal first attempt to conceptualize the martial a priori of our (alleged) eschatocene. Part of a larger project on chronopolitics and "Eco-Nazism" in the Third Reich, I will be looking at the idea that the two big wars of antiquity (Graeco-Persian and Peloponnesian) on the one hand and the two World Wars of the 20th century on the other are the martially and medially constituted bookends of history as hemerochronia or tame(d) times.

To register for this seminar, please visit: 


Contact information

Organiser: Pantelis Michelakis (p.michelakis@bris.ac.uk

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