“What is it like to be mindful?”

2 February 2021, 4.00 PM - 2 February 2021, 6.00 PM

Professor Rupert Gethin (Bristol)

Room G.H01, Arts Complex (enter via 7 Woodland Road) / Zoom

Part of a series of research seminars for the Department of Religion and Theology, School of Humanities.
NOTE: Some seminars will meet in person but others will be entirely online when the speaker is shielding (please follow updates on mailing list). All details and updates will be emailed regularly via our mailing lists (contact l.askin@bristol.ac.uk). If you want to attend but require virtual remote access instead (e.g. due to shieldingself-isolating, time zone, etc.), please contact Dr Lindsey Askin (l.askin@bristol.ac.uk).

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