The Academic Women’s Health Unit (AWHU)
The Academic Women’s Health Unit (AWHU) is a multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals and academics. We conduct research across a broad range of Women’s Health issues including: Maternal medicine, Stillbirth, Bereavement care and Reproductive health.
Our research is supported by the Department of Health, National Institute for Health Research and a range of charities. Research projects encompass a wide breadth of both laboratory-based and clinical work to improve health, wellbeing and patient care.
We collaborate with colleagues nationally and internationally to develop and deliver ground-breaking, high-quality research and care, which benefits our patients here in the NHS but also increases care standards globally.
The team is led by a multi-professional research team with support from North Bristol NHS Trust, the University of Bristol and the Prompt Maternity Foundation.
The team has a wealth of experience conducting research studies and trials, and improving training, guidelines and patient outcomes.