How will I study?

Units consist of a mix of face to face (in-person) study days in class and on-line study days or ½-days, backed up by on-line learning and personal study.

  • Different units employ varied patterns and some have a final day for a summative presentation as the assignment, others may offer optional on-line support in addition to formal teaching.
  • Research Methods is a longitudinal unit stretching from early October to mid-May (the final deadline)
  • All other units last for 12 weeks from day 1 to the final assignment deadline.

In 2024-5 in term 1 (September to December) you will study Contemporary Issues (12 weeks) and from October you will start to engage with Research Methods. Both of these units mix on-line and face to face learning.

In term 2 (from January 2025) you will pick up your 3rd unit by choosing one of Technology Enhanced Learning OR Leading in Healthcare Education. These are both 12-week units.

  • There is no teaching in the summer term.
  • If taking the Diploma over 2 years the only compulsory unit is Research Methods. You will need 2 more units alongside/ before or after RMs to complete the Diploma.


How to apply

Postgraduate Diploma intakes are in September of every academic year for new students.

Deadline for September 2024: 9 August 2024

How to Apply

The flexibility of timing for the modules was useful for planning the course around other commitments. The choice of diploma modules helps to tailor your learning for a particular work situation.

Diploma Student
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