Writing Workshop

The undergraduate writing workshop will be facilitated by Brian Clegg. Brian was the Royal Literary Fund Writing Fellow in the academic sessions 2015-16 and 2016-17.  Brian read for a Physics degree and has studied Operational Research, but he now writes for a living.  Brian’s website is evidence enough that he knows a good deal about effective science writing.This new half-day workshop event has been developed by the faculty of Biomedical Sciences and will help undergraduates (any year of study) develop their writing skills.     

The workshop will take place on Wednesday October 11th, from 2 until 5pm. The venue for the workshop is room 1.11 in the Merchant Venturer’s Building 
The workshop will be a mix of plenary sessions for inspiration and orientation, discussion and opportunities to write short summaries or opinion pieces.  There will be a strong element of engagement, discussion and self-reflection, although the session mentor will provide feedback on work that is selected as ‘good examples’ by attendees. Attendance is voluntary, but would be strongly encouraged by staff.
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