Dr Tingfa Liu
BSc (Hons), MPhil (Tsinghua), PhD (DIC), FHEA
Tingfa specialises in the development and application of state-of-the-art sensing and testing techniques to investigate multi-scaled soil-foundation-structure interaction mechanisms for critical infrastructure.
Current positions
Lecturer in Geotechnical Testing
School of Civil, Aerospace and Design Engineering
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Research interests
Dr. Tingfa Liu is a Lecturer in Geotechnical Testing in the Earthquake and Geotechnical Engineering Research Group (EGERG), Department of Civil Engineering. Tingfa specialises in the development and application of state-of-the-art sensing and testing techniques to investigate multi-scaled soil-foundation-structure interaction mechanisms for critical infrastructure in reacting to operational and extreme static, cyclic and dynamic loading.
Before joining the University of Bristol, Tingfa worked as a Post-Doctoral Research Associate at Imperial College London on the EPSRC funded ALPACA joint industry project (JIP). He received his PhD from Imperial College on advanced laboratory testing and offshore pile foundations, contributing partly to the PISA JIP. He holds a (UK equivalent) MPhil degree with distinction from Tsinghua University (China). Tingfa has actively taken roles of visiting researcher and industrial consultant.
Tingfa's research is largely based in the newly established UKCRIC SoFSI Laboratory, as well as the Earthquake and Large Structures (EQUALS) Laboratory and the Geomechanics Laboratory, supplemented by in-situ testing, constitutive and numerical modelling, and data-driven approaches. His main areas of research include geotechnical instrumentation, laboratory and field soil characterisation, mechanical behaviour of geomaterials, cyclic loading effects, reduced and full scale pile installation and testing, large-structure cyclic and dynamic testing, and offshore foundation design. His publications are listed on the Research Outputs tab and Google Scholar.
Tingfa serves the Géotechnique journal as a member on its Editorial Panel (2024-2026). Tingfa received the 2023 ASCE Outstanding Reviewer Award in recognition of his outstanding service as a reviewer for the prestigious ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering.
Recent updates
Recent updates and activities are listed below. Futher details can be found on LinkedIn and Researchgate webpages.
- Tingfa was recently selected by the editor of the Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering as an ASCE 2023 Outstanding Reviewer in recognition of his dedicated contributions and time to high-quality peer review services for the Journal.
Research projects
Tingfa is seeking highly motivated PhD candidates to join the research group. Both home and international applicants are welcome to get in touch to discuss research interest and fund sources. His PhD/PDRA research project supervision includes:
- Mr. Ahmad Foroutan Kalourazi (PhD, 2023-, University of Bristol): Foundation systems for floating wind turbines (Co-supervise with Professors Andrea Diambra, Yinghui Tian and George Mylonakis)
- Dr. Borui Ge (PDRA, 2023-, University of Bristol): Improved foundation design for floating wind turbines (Collaborate with Professors Andrea Diambra and David Igoe).
- Mr. Zhixin Zhou (PhD, 2022-, University of Bristol): Lifetime performance of offshore high-voltage cables (Co-supervise with Professor Andrea Diambra).
- Dr. Kai Wen (PhD, 2019-2023, Imperial College London; now Research Fellow in the University of Southampton): Axial response of piles for offshore wind turbines (Co-supervised with Professors Stavroula Kontoe and Richard J. Jardine).
Teaching activities
Tingfa is the unit director for Year 3 CENG30016 - Geotechnical Design (TB-1).
Projects and supervisions
Research projects
EPSRC Impact Acceleration Account (IAA) - Improving soil characterisation through acoustic emission and machine learning
Principal Investigator
The project aims to explore a novel machine learning (ML) based technology capable of processing soil-emitted acoustic signals and enhance the accuracy in characterising geomaterials’ mechanical properties.Managing organisational unit
School of Civil, Aerospace and Design EngineeringDates
03/06/2024 to 29/11/2024
Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) - University of Bristol and Structural Soils Limited
Principal Investigator
The KTP develops new, advanced, geotechnical soil-testing services for onshore and offshore construction projects based on the latest techniques emerging from research.Managing organisational unit
School of Civil, Aerospace and Design EngineeringDates
01/01/2024 to 31/12/2026
EPSRC Impact Acceleration Account (IAA) - Improving foundation design in soft and hard rocks
Principal Investigator
Offshore wind turbine requires robust and economic foundation technology. This project capitalises on recent research development in macro-element modelling and chalk characterisation and aims to address critical industrial needs for…Managing organisational unit
Department of Civil EngineeringDates
01/06/2023 to 30/11/2023
Recent publications
30/08/2024Axial resistance of piles during driving in chalk
Geotechnical Engineering Challenges to Meet Current and Emerging Needs of Society
Effect of saturation conditions on thermal properties of sands
Geotechnical Engineering Challenges to Meet Current and Emerging Needs of Society
Finite element modelling of pipe piles driven in low-to-medium density chalk under monotonic axial loading
Computers and Geotechnics
In-situ and laboratory characterisation of stiff and dense geomaterials for driven pile analysis and design
Soils and Rocks
Monotonic and cyclic lateral loading of piles in low to medium density chalk