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Research interests
My research focuses on applied microeconometrics, labour economics and the evaluation of public policies. My current work covers in particular the following topics: a first strand of research focuses on the empirical evaluation of reforms and incentive structures in social insurance and of labour market policies. Specifically, I assess the effects of instruments like job search requirements, monitoring and sanctions, different types of labour market programs and of unemployment insurance reforms on job finding and earnings outcomes. A second topic is the empirical analysis of job search behaviour, including issues like the role of reservation wage building, search effort decisions and of social networks. Third, I investigate in my research the behavioural foundations of labour market related decisions (by means of survey evidence), particularly of the role of biased beliefs, expectations and overconfidence. Fourth, I am in general interested in studying empirically the interplay of policy and individual behaviour in different areas of public policy.
Recent publications
01/01/2022Treatment Versus Regime Effects of Carrots and Sticks
Journal of business & economic statistics
Biased health perceptions and risky health behaviors—Theory and evidence
Journal of Health Economics
Job search requirements, effort provision and labor market outcomes
Journal of Public Economics
Der gesetzliche Mindestlohn in Deutschland
Schmollers Jahrbuch
Mindestlohnevaluation jetzt und nicht erst 2020