Dr Noemi Lendvai-Bainton
M.A.(E.L.Bud.), M.A.(CEBud), Ph.D.(Bristol)
Current positions
Associate Professor
School for Policy Studies
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I am a Hungarian-born social policy scholar working in the UK since 2002. After completing my PhD and a year as an ESCR Postdoctoral Felllow at the University of Bristol, I have taken up a Max Weber Fellowship at the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence, Italy. Since 2010 I work at the School for Policy Studies (SPS).
My career as an academic has always hinged around the rapid and radical transformation of social policy and the state in Central and Eastern Europe. The volatility of the postcommunist transformation, the optimism of the EU Accession, the devastation of the 2008 economic and financial crisis followed by COVID, and not least, the rise of new authoritarianism in Hungary since 2010, all continued to problematise the fragility of governing.
My work continues to navigate cross-disciplinary engagement around governance, governing, statecraft and worldmaking in post-communist Europe and see how the welfare state 'unfare' through multiple socio-economic and socio-political crisis. My aim is to engage in a critical social policy debate that is informed by both postcolonial and decolonial theory, pluriverse and politics of translation approaches.
My career as an academic has always hinged around the rapid and radical transformation of social policy and the state in Central and Eastern Europe. The volatility of the postcommunist transformation, the optimism of the EU Accession, the devastation of the 2008 economic and financial crisis followed by COVID, and not least, the rise of new authoritarianism in Hungary since 2010, all continued to problematise the fragility of governing.
My work continues to navigate cross-disciplinary engagement around governance, governing, statecraft and worldmaking in post-communist Europe and see how the welfare state 'unfare' through multiple socio-economic and socio-political crisis. My aim is to engage in a critical social policy debate that is informed by both postcolonial and decolonial theory, pluriverse and politics of translation approaches.
Research interests
Research projects
authoritarian neoliberalism, Europeanisation of post-communist social policy, critical policy studies, theories of translation and postcolonial studies, EU social policy
Projects and supervisions
Research projects
Critical Human Security and Public Policy Challenges in a Post-Covid World: UK and South Korea
Principal Investigator
This ESRC funded project brings together a multidisciplinary team of researchers from the UK and South Korea to contribute to the development of a body of knowledge, academic exchange and…Managing organisational unit
School for Policy StudiesDates
01/02/2022 to 31/08/2023
EU accession and enlargement: Dialoguing EU and post-Communist social policy (ESRC Postdoctoral Fellowship)
Principal Investigator
The EU entered a very unique and particular landscape when it ventured into the project of eastern enlargement, and engaged in a political, economic, social and cultural dialogue with the…Managing organisational unit
School for Policy StudiesDates
01/12/2005 to 31/10/2006
Thesis supervisions
Education advocacy NGOs in the deliberative moment of Chilean neoliberalism: Spaces of resistance or subjects of governmentality?
Education and the politics of knowing in a community-based school
Participation in Indigenous Development Areas in Chile
Understanding Citizenship and Quality of Life through Disabled Activists in South Korea
Determinants of temporal flexibility and precarious flexible scheduling – a cross sector qualitative study of line manager relationships with staff and regimes of control and consent
The policy responses to the Eurozone Debt Crisis
Problematising the contemporary migrant health insurance issue
Recent publications
07/02/2024Oxford Research Encyclopaedia of Anthropology
Oxford Research Encyclopaedia of Anthropology
Towards a Global Social Policy Otherwise
Global Social Policy
Policy, Politics and Critical Human Security in a post-COVID World: A European Perspective
Theoretical reflections on Mbembe and Böröcz: race, violence and apartheid in Europe
Journal of Social Policy
Austerity, populism and welfare retrenchment in Central and South Eastern Europe
Handbook on Austerity, Populism and the Welfare State
My teaching is focusing on Global Governance and International and Comparative social and public policy. I teach both at UG and PGT level. My aim is to critically engage students with contemporary, but historically informed and geographically uneven processes of globalisation, deglobalisation, and transnationalisation across a range of policy fields. My ambition is to make student see the invisible, and generate their intellectual curiousity around issues of statecraft, governmentality, disciplining, and knowledge claim-making.