Dr Julia Wade
B.A.(Cantab.), M.Sc.(N'cle)
Current positions
Senior Lecturer in Qualitative Health Science
Bristol Medical School (PHS)
Press and media
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Research interests
I am a qualitative methodologist and Senior Lecturer in Qualitative Health Science applied to Randomised Controlled Trials. My current research interests include optimising recruiter communication and patient understanding for informed consent during trial recruitment; optimising screening and consent processes for groups that are traditionally underserved in trials; investigating experiences of trial participation; the communication of trial findings to patients, clinicians and policy makers; and patient experiences of receiving active monitoring/surveillance, surgery and radiotherapy treatments for localised prostate cancer. I am a member of the University of Bristol QuinteT team of researchers, which pioneers qualitative approaches to optimise recruitment and informed consent to randomised controlled trials (RCTs).
Projects and supervisions
Research projects
Translating the QuinteT Recruitment Intervention into randomised trials in the United States of America
Principal Investigator
Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) are acknowledged to be the most important and effective study design to evaluate interventions, particularly relating to health and care, but they are difficult to complete.…Managing organisational unit
12/11/2018 to 20/11/2019
IB 8071 Dept of Health 96/20/99 Original ProtecT code (USE R137572-101 FOR INCOME)
Principal Investigator
Prostate cancer is a serious health problem. There are 35,000 new cases every year in the UK, and around 10,000 deaths.
We need to find out about the best way of…Managing organisational unit
Bristol Medical School (PHS)Dates
01/06/2008 to 30/06/2021
Thesis supervisions
Recent publications
18/04/2024Addressing barriers and identifying facilitators to support informed consent and recruitment in the Cavernous malformations A Randomised Effectiveness (CARE) pilot phase trial
Exploring the experiences and perceptions of patients awaiting rotator cuff repair surgery
Musculoskeletal Science and Practice
Medical management and surgery versus medical management alone for symptomatic cerebral cavernous malformation (CARE)
Lancet Neurology
The role of healthcare professionals’ communication in trial participation decisions
Complex and alternate consent pathways in clinical trials: methodological and ethical challenges encountered by underserved groups and a call to action