These interactions started with a symposium at the Chinese Academy of Sciences National Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Beijing, opened by its Director, Professor Academician Minghua Liu. This meeting was followed by attendance at ChinaNANO 2013, a leading international nanoscience conference, with over 1,500 participants.
The BCFN academics, Mervyn Miles, Terry McMaster, Charl Faul, Simon Hall, Annela Seddon, Henkjan Gersen, Andy Collins and David Fermin, all spoke at the conference. The Bristol students presented posters, and Sara Carreira won one of 10 international student poster prizes (from a total of 700 posters).
This conference was followed by the first Tsinghua-Bristol Joint Nanoscience Symposium, held at Tsinghua University (Beijing), hosted by Professor Academician Xi Zhang, Head of the Chemistry Department and Dean of the Faculty of Science. The BCFN students – Laura Senior, Rebecca Boston, James Armstrong, Sam Olof, Natasha Bennett, James Thomas, Sara Carreira, and James Hallett – gave short talks followed by discussions at their posters.
Dr Terry McMaster, Director of the BCFN, said: ‘China is a world leader in nanoscience and nanomaterials and these meetings are of great significance in establishing sustainable relationships for partnering in research and student training. The developments in doctoral training in Bristol in the past few years, including the Bristol Doctoral College, provide a very secure platform for these relationships.’
Dr. Charl Faul, member of the BCFN management team, said: ’The quality of research in China is remarkable. It has been a fantastic opportunity for both staff and students to interact with the top academic and research institutions in China. We are excited about future exchanges and new collaborations originating from these interactions.’