Visitors and affiliated expertise

The Centre welcomes a range of Visitors and affiliated expertise, to collaborate in support of its aims. These include:

  • Professor Stuart Candy. Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico. May - June 2024
  • Professor Les Carr. University of Southampton, UK. March 2024 - Feb 2025
  • Judith Nyfeler. University of St. Gallen, Switzerland. Feb - April 2024
  • Priscila Gonsales. Universidade de Campinas, Brazil. Oct 2023 - Feb-2024
  • Aline Stehrenberger. University of St. Gallen, Switzerland. Sept - Dec 2023
  • Professor Ted Schatzki. University of Kentucky, US. Sept 2022 and Autumn 2023 
  • Dr Ash Watson. University of New South Wales, Australia. Sept - Oct 2023
  • Vaughan Wozniak - O'Connor. University of New South Wales, Australia. Aug - Sept 2023
  • Amanda Krog. University of Copenhagen, Denmark. May - June 2023
  • Professor Mary Brydon-Miller. University of Louisville, USA. April - June 2023
  • Professor Biagio Aragona. Federico II University of Naples, Italy. April 2023
  • Francesco Amato. Federico II University of Naples, Italy. Feb - July 2023
  • Giuseppe Borriello. Federico II University of Naples, Italy. Feb - April 2023
  • OsloMet, Norway. A team of researchers and PhD students. October 2022
  • Morten Wendler Jorgensen. University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Spring 2022

Find out more about CenSoF's Visiting Fellows programme.

The team

Find out about the wider team working across the Centre.

My visit supported the establishment of collaborative processes for capturing and reflecting on the ethical challenges encountered in researching, planning and creating more socially just and ecologically sound sociodigital futures.

Prof. Mary Brydon-Miller, CenSoF Visiting Fellow


Find out more about our programme of research.

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