Array imaging

Key publications in this area

B. W. Drinkwater and P. D. Wilcox, "Ultrasonic arrays for non-destructive evaluation: A review", Ndt & E International, 2006.

J. Zhang, B. W. Drinkwater, P. D. Wilcox, and A. J. Hunter, "Defect detection using ultrasonic arrays: The multi-mode total focusing method," Ndt & E International, 2010.

A. J. Hunter, B. W. Drinkwater, and P. D. Wilcox, "The Wavenumber Algorithm for Full-Matrix Imaging Using an Ultrasonic Array," Ieee Transactions on Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, 2008.

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FMC refers to Full Matrix Capture, the idea that the array collects and stores the raw data. TFM refers to Total Focusing Method, which is a high resolution imaging technique which is only feasible as a post-processing operation on the FMC data. FCM and TFM are now available in various forms from all the leading commercial array system vendors. The next set of challenges are how to make even more of this FMC data, for example, automatic defect characterisation, intelligent imaging/autofocus imaging and optimised imaging.

 ‌ Currentopics: 

  • Automatic defect characterisation using inversion model techniques.
  • Adaptive array imaging that reflects the shape of the components or their anisotropic orientation. 
  • Optimised array imaging by experimenting with the array configurations.


Working in this area

Dr Jie Zhang – adaptive ultrasonic array imaging
Dr Rob Malkin – imaging for nuclear decommissioning
Dr Rhodri Bevan – data fusion for multiview ultrasonic imaging
Long Bai (PhD) – defect characterisation
Harry Bloxham (PhD) – synthesising realistic data from defects by merging model and experimental results
Tom Barber (RCNDE EngD, BAE Systems) – pipe weld inspection with arrays
Nicolas Budyn (RCNDE EngD, BAE Systems) – data fusion for multiview ultrasonic imaging
Rosen Rachev (RCNDE EngD, GE PII) – exploiting arrays for high-speed pipeline pigging
Alex Ballisat (RCNDE EngD, DSTL) – modelassisted probability of detection
Callum White (PhD) – modelling ultrasonic ray paths in curved and other macroscopically heterogeneous composite components
Andy Nixon (PhD) – optimisation of the TFM imaging algorithm
Jessica McKee (PhD) – 2D arrays for improved defect detection and characterisation in pipework
Ali Safari - robust defect characterisation

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