Inaugural Lecture - Between a Rock and a Hot Place: a view of the Earth’s Core-Mantle Boundary with seismology - Professor James Wookey

28 June 2023, 4.00 PM - 28 June 2023, 5.00 PM

Professor James Wookey, University of Bristol

Wills Memorial Building, Reception Room

We are pleased to welcome Professor James Wookey for his Inaugural Lecture on: Between a Rock and a Hot Place - a view of the Earth’s Core-Mantle Boundary with seismology.


The interface between the solid silicate mantle and the liquid iron core – nearly 3000km beneath our feet – hosts the most significant change in physical parameters in the solid Earth system, and has a profound effect on the surface at the longest timescales. In this talk I will introduce you this region, and our efforts to understand its structure and especially its dynamics with earthquake seismology.


Attendance is free, booking required via Eventbrite.

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