Petrology Lunch: Transcrustal, volatile-charged silicic melts revealed by zircon-hosted melt inclusions

21 October 2021, 12.00 PM - 21 October 2021, 1.00 PM

Damaris Butters, University of Bristol

Hybrid meeting: G7 and on Zoom

The volatile contents of silicic crustal magmas inform models for volcanism, degassing behaviour, and hydrothermal ore formation. Volatile saturation pressures of phenocryst-hosted melt inclusions are generally restricted to late-stage, shallow magmas that have typically undergone substantial, ascent-driven degassing of CO2 and SO2. As an alternative approach, we directly sample the volatile contents of rhyolitic melt inclusions in the accessory mineral zircon. Our results reveal that zircons grow over an exceptional crustal depth range, from Moho depths (>25 km; deepest melt inclusion 31 km) to the upper crust (~5 km). Significantly, melt inclusions from porphyry copper deposit-related magmas have high melt inclusion CO2 contents (up to 3970 ppm), indicating CO2-rich sources (equilibrium fluid molar fraction CO2 up to 0.95). Deep crustal zircons are transported to shallow levels in silicic melts percolating through transcrustal mush systems and/or in rapidly ascending volatile-charged magmas. 

This will be a hybrid meeting. You can join in G7 or via Zoom:

Meeting ID: 974 4303 6332

Passcode: 862769

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