Digital Futures Collaborative Writers Retreat

14 June 2021, 9.15 AM - 14 June 2021, 4.30 PM


Hosted by the Bristol Digital Futures Institute

Collaborative Writing Retreat

This writing retreat is designed for people writing together. Whether you are writing a blog post, a collaborative funding bid, a joint article, or a larger piece of work, thinking early about how you will write together, and dedicating days to that writing process, can make the writing stage more enjoyable and the final piece more collaborative and joined up. Sign up as a pair or a team and enjoy a day of writing together in a healthy and constructive way.

We’ll talk about different approaches to collaborative writing and including planning and check-in time through the day to help you stay on track, together.


  • 09.15 Arrival and setting up (time to connect)
  • 09.30 Introduction and Warm up
  • 10.15 Write
  • 11.30 Break
  • 12.00 Write
  • 13.00 Lunch
  • 14.00 Write 
  • 15.00 Break
  • 15.30 Write
  • 16.15 Final audit and forward planning
  • 16.30 Finish


Dr Pam Lock has been running retreats (in person) for about 6 years in person, and online since the first lockdown began. She is pleased to see how productive people still find it and surprised to find how comforting it is writing with people, even when we are not breathing the same air.

 Sign up here


Contact information

Contact the organsier via the registration page

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