Research Seminar: Dr Paula MacGregor - University of Bristol

26 April 2021, 1.00 PM - 26 April 2021, 2.00 PM

Dr Paula MacGregor hosted by UoB



The molecular basis of host-parasite interactions in African trypanosomes.


There are multiple species of African trypanosome that can each infect multiple mammalian hosts. Together they are the causative agents of both human and animal African trypanosomiasis, with bovine trypanosomiasis acting as a major constraint to cattle farming across sub-Saharan Africa. Successful infection and transmission of African trypanosomes relies on their ability to detect, interact with, and adapt to their environment. As extracellular parasites, the trypanosome cell surface acts as the molecular interface between the parasite and its external environment and functions in nutrient acquisition, signalling, and countering host innate and adaptive immune attack. Work in my group aims to understand (and exploit) the molecular and cellular biology of the interaction between African trypanosomes and their external environment in the mammalian host.

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Please note this event is for staff and students of University of Bristol only.

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