Orality and early Greek epic: Margalit Finkelberg
Online (Zoom)
Prof. Margalit Finkelberg (Tel Aviv), ‘Economy and Extension Revisited’
'This paper will address the issue of the universal applicability of Parry’s principles of economy and extension. Once considered a sine qua non of oral-formulaic composition, in recent decades the principles of economy and extension have been challenged by both Homeric scholars and students of other epic traditions. I will argue that, while they can no longer be considered universal indices of orality, economy and extension do fulfil this function in Homer and early Greek epic.'
This event is part of a series of free, online seminars on the topic of orality and early Greek epic, hosted by Frances Pickworth and Pantelis Michelakis at the University of Bristol. To find out more about the series, including other speakers, please visit the seminar homepage.
To attend this event or other seminars in the series, please register via Zoom. Registration is free. If you have any questions about the series or problems signing up, please email Frances Pickworth at f.pickworth@bristol.ac.uk.