Bristol Infectious Disease Dynamics
Welcome to the Bristol Infectious Disease Dynamics group webpages. We are an interdisciplinary group of scientists from the School of Social and Community Medicine, Engineering Mathematics, Biological Sciences and Veterinary Medicine at the University of Bristol. The central aim of our work is to reduce the social, health and economic burden due to infectious diseases through a better understanding of the drivers of transmission in the population and impact of interventions.
We work on a range of infections including meningitis, human and bovine tuberculosis, influenza, hepatitis C and B, HIV, chlamydia, genital herpes, syphilis and other sexually transmitted infections.
We have expertise in infectious disease modelling, epidemiology, qualitative research, statistics, intervention evaluation, health economics, evidence synthesis and systematic reviews.
If you are interested in joining us, collaborating with us, attending our seminars, or have questions about our work, please do get in touch.
Read about our research
Bristol Infectious Disease Dynamics
School of Social and Community Medicine
University of Bristol
Oakfield House
Oakfield Grove
Dr Ellen Brooks Pollock:
+44 (0)117 33 14064