Study information for staff in participating schools

Study information for staff

Your school is one of twenty five that have agreed to take part in the WISE (Wellbeing in Education) study. Thisis a research study looking at ways to improve the training and support offered to secondary school staff.

What am I being asked to do?

Researchers have already visited your school and invited all teachers to complete a questionnaire. They will visit twice more with similar questionnaires in the summer terms of 2017 and 2018, possibly during a staff meeting or training event.  The questionnaire should take about 30 minutes to complete.  It includes questions about your wellbeing and emotional health and levels of support at work.  You are not obliged to complete one, in which case it is helpful for us if you return the blank questionnaire, or let us know that you would rather not complete it. But we hope that as many teachers as possible will complete the questionnaire, as honestly as possible.  please do not consult others about your answers, as we want to know what you think.

What will happen to my answers?

All of your answers will be kept confidential and anonymous.  Once you have completed the questionnaire we ask that you place it in an envelope, seal it and either return it to a member of our team or post it to us. There is also an option of completing an online version. .  All completed questionnaires will be stored securely at Bristol University, and only the research team will have access to them.  No one at this school will see your answers.  We will feed back the overall responses to the school, but in such a way that no individual responses will be seen, and no individuals will be able to be identified.

The questionnaire responses will be entered into a password protected database and summary information produced from all the responses we receive.  Once they have been analysed, we will disseminate or publish our findings in places such as academic journals and relevant websites.  All data will be anonymised: no individual or school will be identified in our presentations / publications.

Further information

If you would like to know more about the study, or how we are going to use the information that we collect, please contact Judi Kidger (Bristol) or Rhiannon Evans: (Cardiff).

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