Study information for parents
Your son or daughter's school is one of 25 that is taking part in The WISE study. As part of this , all students in Year 8 were invited to complete a short confidential survey, which included questions about the support available to them at school, and some questions about their emotional health and wellbeing. You will have received a letter and opt out form about this if you had a child in this year group. The questionnaire will be repeated when the same students are in year 10. If you have a child in this year group you will receive a letter and opt out form about it when the time comes.All students can choose whether to complete the survey or not and are free to stop taking part at any time without giving a reason.
No one at the school will see what individual students have written: the research team will collect all the completed surveys, and will store them securely at the University. The questionnaires do not include names or other identifying features, just study ID numbers. The responses will be entered onto a database which is password protected, and only visible to the research team. We will share our findings with others who are interested, such as school communities, other academics, and policy makers, and we may publish them for example in academic journals. However, all the findings will be anonymised, so no schools or individuals will be able to be identified.
If you would like to know more about the study, or how we are going to use the information that we collect, please contact us. You may also use these contact details to find out the outcome of the study.