Workstream 1 male victims and perpetrators: primary care context
This workstream was developed to build on previous work undertaken by Marianne Hester with the Home Office (Hester et al., 2006) looking at the help-seeking strategies of heterosexual male domestic violence perpetrators and Gene Feder’s work on asking women about DV in a GP surgery setting. (Feder et al, 2008; Westmarland et al., 2004)
The workstream considers the prevalence of domestic violence in men attending general practice and associations with health outcomes and the health care response to domestic violence for men. It comprises two studies:
Study 1: | A cross-sectional survey of the prevalence of experiences and perpetration of DV amongst men attending general practice settings and associations with demographic characteristics and mental health status |
Study 2: | A pilot of an educational and support intervention targeted at primary care clinicians to promote enquiry about men’s experience or perpetration of DV and improved management after disclosure. |
Our Evidence into Practice section lists publications and resources related to this workstream.
For further information about the studies within workstream 1, please