The role of parent-infant interactions in the aetiology of child and adolescent mental health problems

9 March 2021, 12.30 PM - 9 March 2021, 1.30 PM

Professor Jane Barlow

via Zoom


Many child and adolescent mental health problems have their origins in the first three years of life, which is a key period in terms of the child’s later capacity for affect regulation. This paper will explore the relationship between early regulatory problems and parent-infant interactions/relationship difficulties focusing in particular on aspects of the interaction that are now recognised to be important for later mental health. The paper will conclude by examining some of the implications for practice both in terms of prevention and treatment.

About Jane

Jane Barlow (DPhil, FFPH Hon) is Professor of Evidence Based Intervention and Policy Evaluation at the Department of Social Policy and Intervention, University of Oxford. Jane’s research focuses on developing and evaluating dyadic interventions during the perinatal period that are aimed at promoting infant mental health. She also undertakes research to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions aimed at preventing child abuse. She is currently President of AIMH UK, Affiliate Council Representative of the Executive Board of WAIMH, an Associate Editor for the Infant Mental Health Journal, and was a member of PreVAiL (Preventing Violence Across the Lifespan). 

Seminar Chair

Dr Rebecca Pearson


Zoom Details: 

Topic: CAMH March Seminar
Time: Mar 9, 2021 12:30 PM London
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