Neurocognitive mechanisms of psychotic symptoms

27 April 2021, 2.00 PM - 27 April 2021, 3.00 PM

Dr Graham Murray, University of Cambridge

virtual via Zoom


In this talk I will present recent work from my own group and other groups examining the neurocognitive basis of psychotic symptoms, with a focus on the early stages of psychotic illness (so-called At Risk Mental States and First Episode Psychosis). The focus will be on work examining midbrain and frontal-striatal function using magnetic resonance imaging, and on psychological processes such as learning and decision-making under uncertainty. The overall aim of this research is to enable a more complete understanding of how dysfunction of key biological and cognitive systems can lead to the development of positive psychotic symptoms in youth, with the ultimate aim of improved therapeutic and preventative strategies.


About Graham

Dr Graham Murray studied Physics and Philosophy in Oxford, then Medicine in London, graduating with distinction. He completed postgraduate clinical training in psychiatry in Cambridge. He holds two research doctorates, one in cognitive neuroscience and psychiatric brain imaging, from University of London, and one in cognitive developmental epidemiology from University of Oulu in Finland, graduating with distinction. He won successive research fellowships from the Department of Health and Medical Research Council, and was then appointed as a University Lecturer in the Department of Psychiatry, University of Cambridge. He runs a research group investigating the causes and treatments of mental disorder, and the neurocognitive mechanisms underpinning psychiatric symptoms, especially in psychosis.  He is an Honorary Consultant Psychiatrist in the Cambridgeshire early intervention in psychosis service, which is called CAMEO.

Seminar Chair

Prof Stan Zammit

All are welcome to attend the seminar. 


Topic: CAMH April seminar

Time: Apr 27, 2021 02:00 PM London

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