1st UK/Italian Purine Club Meeting
13 to 14 September, 2016

About the meeting

It is our great pleasure to extend a very warm invitation to you to participate at the first joint UK–Italian Purine Club Meeting that will be held in Bristol on September 13th and 14th 2016. The aim of this meeting is to bring together junior and senior scientists working in the area of purine signalling to provide a forum for new directions and ideas in purine research.

Although organized by members of the UK and Italian Purine clubs, the meeting welcomes participation from scientists within and outside the EU. The meeting will combine research lectures by leading scientists from Europe and the US with poster sessions intended to encourage lively discussions and the free exchange of information and ideas. There will be a series of themed sessions with keynote speakers including Professor Ken Jacobson (National Institute of Health, Bethesda), Professor Francesco Di Virgilio (University of Ferrara) and Professor Maria Pia Abbracchio (University of Milan).

In order to help our Italian colleagues come to the UK and support attendance of younger research and PhD scientists we have kept registration costs low at £120 per person. This will include refreshment breaks, overnight accommodation, dinner, breakfast and lunch. We thank our sponsorship partners for making the registration fees so affordable.

A major aspect of the meeting will be a poster presentation session with a wine reception that will facilitate opportunity for discussion and development of ideas and collaboration. Note that approximately 10 talks will be selected from submitted poster abstracts to encourage further lively debate of more preliminary unpublished studies..

Organizing comittee

  • Chair: Stuart Mundell (University of Bristol)
  • Dr Elena Adinolfi (University of Ferrara)


Registration: details of how to register can be found here 



Please note that poster should be A0 (841mm x 1189mm) portrait orientation.




