1.1 During the initial service review period employees will be subject to this policy and will not be subject to the University’s disciplinary and capability procedures or participate in Staff Review and Development.
1.2 This policy is designed to:
(a) support employees while they are settling into their role;
(b) give the University time to assess the employee’s suitability in their role including skills, conduct, capability and attendance together referred to as “Performance”; and
(c) provide a framework within which any areas of concern can be identified, addressed and resolved.
1.3 The Appropriate Manager will give employees:
(a) details of their role and expected standards of performance;
(b) access to the necessary information, equipment, training and other resources; and
(c) details of relevant rules, policies, procedures and standards of conduct.
1.4 Support shall be provided through regular discussions between the employee and the Appropriate Manager. This shall be a two way process, giving the employee an opportunity to raise issues, as well as enabling the Appropriate Manager to evaluate progress.
1.5 The University wishes to support employees to complete their initial service review period successfully. Action under this procedure may be taken if any part of an employee’s Performance is found to be deficient.
1.6 Transferring staff – Employees transferring within the University will be treated as follows:
(a) employees transferring to a comparable role while subject to an initial service review period will continue the initial service review period in the comparable role;
(b) employees transferring to a different role while subject to an initial service review period will commence a new initial service review period in the new role;
(c) employees transferring to a comparable role who have completed their initial service review period in another comparable role will not usually be required to complete a further initial service review period;
(d) employees transferring to a different role after having completed an initial service review period will not be subject to a new initial service review period in the new role but should be supported by the Appropriate Manager as set out in 4.1 below; and
(e) in a case where an employee has been redeployed to another role within the University, a trial period will usually be a more appropriate method of ascertaining whether the redeployment is suitable for both the employee and the University.
2.1 The employee’s initial service review period is set out in their terms and conditions of employment and will not normally be longer than twelve months.
2.2 The length of the initial service review period may vary where a significant or particular element of the work falls in a specific part of the year to ensure that this period is adequately covered and to enable the employee to demonstrate their Performance in respect of this particular element of their role.
3.1 The University may extend the initial service review period where, for example, due to sickness absence or other authorised absence it has not been possible to assess the employee’s Performance. Where the review period is extended, the employee shall be notified accordingly.
4.1 Throughout the initial service review period an employee's Performance should be subject to assessment by the Appropriate Manager. Regular and informal one to one meetings should be held to:
(a) support the employee in their role;
(b) review Performance at work;
(c) ensure that the employee is kept informed of their progress against the required standards;
(d) advise them of any concerns and how these can be addressed; and
(e) ensure the employee is able to raise any questions they may have about their Performance or development requirements.
4.2 In addition to informal one to one meetings, formal, documented initial service reviews are to be carried out at the half way stage and towards the end of the initial service review period. The purpose of these reviews is to assess and record the employee's standard of Performance and to identify progress made and any further support, development or guidance required.
4.3 Human Resources shall remind the Appropriate Managers of the need for a formal review and report. It is the responsibility of the Appropriate Manager to carry out the formal reviews in good time.
4.4 Formal reviews should be set up in advance so that both parties have time to prepare for the meeting.
4.5 As part of the formal review meeting the Appropriate Manager should:
(a) provide support and guidance;
(b) identify good performance and progress made;
(c) discuss the employee’s Performance against the requirements of the position identified in the job description and against any objectives and targets that have been identified;
(d) review timekeeping and attendance, including sickness absence;
(e) review training requirements and agree any further development needs;
(f) identify any areas of Performance that need improving – identifying the standards required and how these can be achieved;
(g) be sensitive to issues of equality and diversity, seeking guidance as appropriate;
(h) set a date for next review meeting if appropriate; and
(i) record the details of the review meeting on the initial service review form via MyERP and send it to HR.
5.1 At any time during the initial service review period where the Performance of an employee is causing concern the Appropriate Manager’s first step will normally be to discuss the problem with the employee. Such discussions shall identify the nature of the problem and consider its causes and possible solutions. The Appropriate Manager shall ensure that the employee is aware of the standard of Performance expected; outline in what respect the employee’s Performance is failing to meet an acceptable standard and, through discussion with the employee, seek to identify ways of resolving the problem.
5.2 If any employee’s Performance does not improve following this meeting, or their Performance is so poor as to warrant dismissal it may be necessary to take further action under Ordinance 10.2.
6.1 On satisfactory completion of the initial service review period the employee will be informed in writing that they have been confirmed in post