The Green Apple Scheme

As a signatory of the Sustainable Development Goals accord the University of Bristol is committed to embedding Sustainable Development principles and experiences in the education it offers its students. The Green Apple Scheme supports initiatives by staff and students to do this. Expanding the provision of Education for Sustainable Development experiences to students, both in the formal curriculum and in extra-curricular activities.

Student involvement is expected in most projects, though it may not be necessary in some cases.  Projects may be student-led, but must have a member of staff who takes responsibility for the budget. Projects engaging stakeholders beyond the university are also welcome, provided they show clear educational outcomes for the students involved.

What funding is available?

Funding is offered within the Universities Education for Sustainable Development budget and is available all year round, subject to availability.

Who can apply? 

Any members of academic or professional services staff may apply. This includes staff on fixed-term contracts, where the contract covers the period of the project. There are no minimum experience requirements. Students may apply but must have a member of staff as their mentor who will be responsible for the budget.

How much funding can I apply for?

Green Apple (GA) funding provides short-term grants of £500-£1500.

What can the funding be spent on?

Projects must show that they further student understanding of one or more aspects of sustainable development. This could be within formal curriculum, an interdisciplinary open unit, or extracurricular activities.

Suggested projects which we would consider include, but are not restricted to:

  • Talks by external speakers on sustainable careers.
  • Creating a short video for students, briefing them on aspects of sustainable development relevant to their discipline.
  • The development of course materials for existing or new units, which embed aspects of sustainable development in them. Course materials (e.g. online resources) useful for multiple disciplines are particularly welcome.
  • Student-led outreach activities. For example, the creation and running of workshops for local schoolchildren.
  • Buying software, or other assets for use in the teaching of sustainable-development related content.
  • The organisation of interdisciplinary events for students and staff. To discuss and debate an aspect of sustainable development, this could include external speakers.
  • Review of an existing program on where and how sustainable development concepts could be integrated into it.

Deadline for spending funds

All allocated funds must be spent by 31 July of the following year.

Further information

We will favour projects which do one or more of the following:

  • Engage large numbers of students
  • Have transformative potential for longer term changes of awareness and educational practice
  • Include content and promotion of sustainable career options for students

Key Contact

Contact Prof Chris Preist, University Academic Director of Sustainability:

To apply for the funding  

You can expect to receive a response within 4 weeks of submission.


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