Teaching and assessment

Find out about how you will be taught and assessed at Bristol.

At Bristol you will learn through a combination of teaching methods and independent learning. 

Teaching methods at Bristol

The teaching styles and formats of classes provided at Bristol may be different to those at your home university. You may find that you have fewer hours of teaching than you expected. You should use the remainder of your time to study independently, working through your course reading list or assignments.

Teaching may include:

  • lectures
  • small-group seminars
  • tutorials
  • practical sessions
  • electronic learning.

Science-based courses may include laboratory sessions and project groups.

You will be fully integrated into the University and study alongside British students.

Find out about how to get the most out of the different types of teaching methods. This will help you to use your time efficiently during study so that you can easily consolidate and learn material when it comes to revision.


Assessment methods

You will be assessed using a variety of methods. This may include: 

  • exams
  • coursework (including essays and reports)
  • group projects
  • presentations.

We use coursework, tutorials and seminars to monitor your progress and to assess the level of competence in a subject. We may assess some units by one exam at the end of the semester. Regular homework and small pieces of assessed work are not common in the UK.

Find out more about how we will assess you.


You will normally need to pass all forms of assessment in order to gain credits for a unit.


Resits or re-submissions of coursework are not allowed for incoming Study Abroad students at Bristol. 

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