Solid Mechanics

Bristol's centre for materials engineering and structural integrity.

Our research

About The Solid Mechanics Research Group (SMRG) 

Bristol has a successful history of using applied mechanics and cutting-edge technology to help define and solve industrially motivated challenges. The Solid Mechanics Research Group (SMRG) has established close and productive partnerships with a range of companies in the energy, transport, and manufacturing sectors, with much focus on civil nuclear and other safety-critical industries in recent years.

We investigate the behaviour of engineering materials and components to help support their successful performance in harsh environments. Our research covers damage mechanics (fracture, fatigue, corrosion, creep), materials in harsh environments and residual stress characterisation from nanoscale to macro-scale. Our testing capabilities and associated modelling expertise are of particular relevance to the nuclear, manufacturing, defence, and aerospace industries. We are able to measure the mechanical properties of very small samples and then “scale up” the results to help predict macro-scale behaviour of engineering components.

We are always willing to consider opportunities for research projects from academic and industrial institutions and we regularly have student and postdoctoral research positions available. Please contact us for updates on such opportunities.

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