Bumps And Babies Longitudinal Study ‌       ‌                                                                                                    ‌

Our study aims to find out how useful technologies are for all women who are having their first baby, both during pregnancy and in the first few months after the baby is born. It is open to new mothers in Coventry, Lewisham (London), Blackpool, Bradford and Leicester.

What is the project about?

Many women are now using 'new technologies' including apps, websites, and social media sites for information and support. Some women may use these new technologies a lot of the time, while other may only refer to them for particular events in their lives, such as having their first baby.

We would like to find out if using these new technologies changes women's knowledge and confidence about their pregnancy, birth and motherhood while they are excpecting their first baby and during the first few months after their baby's birth. These technologies may also alter the conversations that they have with family, friends and health professionals, for example, with their midwife or health visitor.

Please see Patient Information Document:-

BaBBLeS 1 Patient Information Document (PDF, 750kB)

How is it funded?

The study is being funded by the Big Lottery in association with Best Beginnings

Where is it being done?

It is being carried out by researchers from the Universities of the West of England, University of Bristol, Coventry, Newcastle, Herdfordshire, Kent, Bath and King's Health Partners who are working with maternity services in Coventry, Lewisham (London), Blackpool, Bradford and Leicester

Recruitment Complete

Thank you to everyone who has taken part and to all the sites for their input into the recruitment process.

Next Steps

  • Currently collecting information from participants who are 35 weeks pregnant.
  • We are organising the focus groups and interviews for health professionals. This will be followed by those for the other participants.

Dr Trudy Goodenough

University of the West of England
Landline: 0117 3314085 (with answerphone)
Work Mobile: 07817 875309

Dr Toity Deave

BaBBLeS Chief Investigator

University of the West of England
Landline: 0117 3314085 (with answerphone)
Work Mobile: 07817 875309

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