2011/12 Awards

IGRCT Symposium Grant: Interdisciplinary Symposium: Caractacus

  • Organisers: Professor Stephen Banfield, Professor Charles Martindale, Dr Ellen O’Gorman, and Professor John Pickard
  • Programme and Annual Report

IGRCT Conference Grant: Thucydides our Contemporary?

IGRCT Research Grant: Pater the Classicist: An Interdisciplinary Seminar

  • Organisers: Professor Stefano Evangelista, Professor Charles Martindale, and Professor Elizabeth Prettejohn
  • Annual Report

IGRCT Conference Grant: The Oxford History of Classical Reception in English Literature, Vol. 5: 1880–2000

  • Organisers: Professor David Hopkins and Professor Charles Martindale
  • Annual Report

IGRCT Conference Grant: Female Fury and the Masculine Spirit of Vengeance: Revenge and Gender from Classical to Early Modern Literature

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