Critical University Studies in Africa and Bristol: a workshop on methods

29 June 2023, 2.00 PM - 29 June 2023, 4.30 PM

ARTS - 1.H020 - Humanities Research Space

This workshop is an opportunity to discuss and find out more about four projects which aim to think critically about university life here in Bristol and/or on the African continent (Senegal, Côte d'Ivoire, Benin, Cameroon and South Africa). Some of the projects draw on historical and literary methods (including close literary analysis, archival research, oral history and book history) to explore issues of race and coloniality in higher education. Others use social scientific tools, in particular participatory research with students, to better understand and seek to transform higher education. There will be short presentations followed by time for discussion.


  • Professor Saleem Badat (History Department, University of the Free State) 'Writing critical histories of South African universities'
  • Dr Ruth Bush, Dr Monique Kwachou, Dr André Gaga (University of Bristol) 'Creative Lives of African Universities in Dakar, Abidjan, Yaoundé and Abomey-Calavi'
  • Dr Josie Gill (University of Bristol), 'Black Lecturer'
  • Dr Sue Timmis (University of Bristol), 'Southern Africa Rurality in Higher Education (SARiHE)'
  • Professor Leon Tikly (University of Bristol)

The workshop is co-badged with the Centre for Black Humanities, Centre for Higher Education Transformations and Centre for Comparative and International Research in Education. It is part of the AFRIUNI: Creative Lives of African Universities project, funded by the ERC


Contact information

Please contact Ruth Bush for more information 

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