Dr Jafia Naftali Camara
Current positions
Senior Research Associate
School of Education
Press and media
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Research interests
Academic History
Jáfia Naftali Câmara earned her BA in English Literature, Criticism and Theory from the University of California in 2015 and a MA in English and Foreign Language Education from New York University in 2017.
Current Research
Jáfia Câmara is currently a Doctoral Researcher at the University of Bristol's School of Education. Her research focuses on young refugee pupils and families' experiences and perspectives of education in England. Her research interests include immigration and migration, language, poverty, NRPF, refugee parents, Asylum support, NASS, integration discourse and policy, Islamophobia, antiracism, antiracist education, critical pedagogies...
Fields of Interest
Migration; forced migration; immigration; citizenship rights; refugees; asylum seekers; migration temporalities; migrant work; integration; identity; nationalism; cultural diversity; language teaching; multilingualism; bilingual education; cultural policy; educational politics; modern slavery; state application; traffic; workers' rights; human rights; anti-discrimination law; race and ethnicity; poverty; inequality; genre; Brazil; Latin America; United States; United Kingdom; Palestine; Lebanon; legal and political theory; Critical theory; Marxism...
Titulação Acadêmica
Jáfia Naftali Câmara é bacharel em Literatura Inglesa, Crítica e Teoria pela University of California, em 2015.
Mestre em Educação de Inglês e Línguas Estrangeiras pela New York University, em 2017.
Pesquisa Atual
Jáfia Câmara é pesquisadora de doutorado na School of Education, University of Bristol.
A pesquisa se concentra nas perspectivas e experiências de educação de refugiados e requerentes de asilo.
Áreas de Interesse
Migração; migração forçada; imigração; direitos de cidadania; refugiados; requerentes de asilo;
temporalidades de migração; trabalho migrante; integração; identidade; nacionalismo;
diversidade cultural; ensino deidiomas; multilinguismo; educacao bilingue; política cultural;
política educacional; escravidão moderna; aplicação do estado; tráfico; direitos dos trabalhadores;
direitos humanos; raça e etnia; pobreza; desigualdade; gênero; Brasil; América latina; lei anti discriminação; Estados Unidos; Reino Unido; Palestina; Médio Oriente; teoria jurídica e política; Teoria crítica; Marxismo...
Grado Académico
Jáfia Naftali Câmara tiene una licenciatura en literatura inglesa, crítica y teoría de la University of California, en 2015.
Una maestría en educación de inglés y lenguas extranjeras de la New York University, en 2017.
Investigación Actual
Actualmente es investigadora doctoral en la School of Education, University of Bristol.
La investigación se centra en las experiencias y perspectivas de educación de los refugiados y solicitantes de asilo.
Áreas de Interés
Migración; migración forzada; inmigración; refugiados solicitantes de asilo; temporalidades de migración;
trabajo migrante; integración; identidad; nacionalismo diversidad cultural; enseñanza de idiomas;
multilingüismo;educación bilingüe; política cultural; política educativa; esclavitud moderna;
solicitud de estado; ley antidiscriminatoria; derechos humanos; raza y etnia; derechos de los trabajadores; pobreza; desigualdad; género; Brasil; América Latina; Estados Unidos;
Reino Unido; Palestina Medio Oriente teoría legal y política; Teoría crítica; Marxismo...
Projects and supervisions
Research projects
Leadership programme for supporting young refugees
Principal Investigator
Managing organisational unit
School of EducationDates
01/08/2020 to 01/01/2022
Selected publications
28/12/2023Funds of knowledge: Towards an asset-based approach to refugee education and family engagement in England
British Educational Research Journal
Refugee Stories – Education:
Refugee Stories – Education:
Young refugees in UK schools
EAL Journal
“Why is it speaking to me?”: Refugee-background Students’ Experiences of Education
Overcrowded buses and clandestine transport in Brazil
Overcrowded buses and clandestine transport in Brazil
Recent publications
20/03/2024Young refugees
EAL Journal
How do young refugees and their families encounter England’s education system?
How do young refugees and their families encounter England’s education system?
Funds of knowledge: Towards an asset-based approach to refugee education and family engagement in England
British Educational Research Journal
Refugee Stories – Education:
Refugee Stories – Education:
Discriminatory approach to border closure and mobility restriction
Department of Anthropology of Economic Experimentation, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle (Saale), Germany
Refugee youth and education
Award date