Professor Gavin D'Costa
B.A.(Birm.), Ph.D. (Cantab.)
Current positions
Emeritus Professor of Catholic Theology
Department of Religion and Theology
Press and media
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Research interests
Gavin D’Costa’s research interests include these fields: modern Roman Catholic theology, systematic theology, theology of religions, aspects of philosophical theology related to religious pluralism.
Primary publications and secondary critical materials
Theology and Religious Pluralism. The Challenge of Other Religions, Basil Blackwell, Oxford/New York, 1986, 155 pp
John Hick's Theology of Religions. A Critical Evaluation, University Press of America, Lanham/New York/London, 1987, 239 pp
The Meeting of Religions and the Trinity, Orbis Books, Maryknoll, New York, 2000; T & T Clark, Edinburgh, 2000, 187 pp
- a Trinidad y el diálogo interreligioso, Secretariado Trinitario, 2006 (Spanish trans.)
Sexing the Trinity. Gender, Culture and the Divine, SCM, London, 2000, 212 pp
Theology in the Public Square: Church, University, and Nation, Blackwell, Oxford, 2005, 264pp
Christianity and the World Religions. Disputed Questions in the Theology of Religions, Blackwell, Oxford, 2009, 233pp
Co-authored with Paul Knitter and Daniel Strange, Only One Way? Three Christian Responses on the Uniqueness of Christ in a Religiously Plural World, SCM, London, 2011, (pp. 3-46, 139-152, 185-98)
Making Nothing Happen. Five Poets Explore Faith and Spirituality, Ashgate, Farnham, 2014, 215pp (with Eleanor Nesbitt, Mark Pryce, Ruth Shelton and Nicola Slee)
Vatican II. Catholic Doctrines on Jews and Muslims, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2014, 252pp
Catholic Doctrines on the Jewish People After Vatican II, Oxford University Press, Oxford/New York, 2019, 224pp (Translations: French, Hungarian, Polish (2022))
La doctrine catholique sur le peuple juif après Vatican II, Les éditions du Cerf Żydzi w doktrynie Kościoła katolickiego po Soborze Watykańńskim II, Sapentia
Az Egyház és a zsidóság – Katolikus tanfejlődés a II. Vatikáni Zsinat után, Vigilia
Faith Meets Faith, editor and contributor, British & Foreign Schools Society, London, 1988, 97 pp; preface: pp i‑iii; essay: pp 8-22
Christian Uniqueness Reconsidered: The Myth of a Pluralistic Theology of Religions, editor and contributor, Orbis Books, New York, 1990, 218 pp; preface: pp vii‑xxii, essay: pp l6‑29
‑Translation: Italian, with introduction by Carlo Molari, Cittadella Editrice, Assisi, 1994
‑Translation: Japanese, Kyo Bun Kwan, Tokyo, 1997
- Translation: German, Verlag Otto Lembeck, Frankfurt am Main, 1998
- Translation: Spanish, Desclée De Brower, Bilbao, Spain, 2000
- Twelfth print run
Religion in Europe: Contemporary Perspectives, co‑editor with Sean Gill & Ursula King, Kok Pharos, Netherlands, 1994, 213 pp
Resurrection Reconsidered, editor and contributor, Oneworld Books, Oxford, 1996, 227 pp, preface: pp 7‑12; essay: pp 150‑67
Catholic Engagement with World Religions, collaborator with co-editors, Karl Josef Becker, Ilaria Morali, Orbis Books, New York, 2010, 605 pp; essay: ‘Pluralist Arguments: Prominent Tendencies and Methods’, pp.329-344; co-authored essay with Becker: 580-84
The Catholic Church and the World Religions. A Theological and Phenomenological Account, T & T Clark, Continuum, New York/London, 2011 (essay: ‘Catholicism and the World Religions: A Theological and Phenomenological Account’, pp. 1-33)
Theology and Philosophy. Faith and Reason, co-edited with Oliver Crisp, Mervyn Davies & Peter Hampson, Continuum, New York/London, 2011, (introduction: ‘Theology in Search of a Handmaiden: Reason and Philosophy’, pp. 1-17 co-written with Davies)
Vatican II. Celebrating its Achievements and the Future, co-edited with Emma Harris, Bloomsbury, London, 2013, 192pp
Religion in a Liberal State, co-edited with Tariq Modood, Malcolm Evans, Julian Rivers, Cambridge University Press, 2014, 252pp
Christianity and the Disciplines. The Transformation of the University, co-edited Crisp, Davies & Hampson, Continuum, New York/London, 2014, (introduction: ‘Theology and the Disciplines: building a Christian culture’ pp. 1-13 co-written with Davies)
Buddhist-Christian Dual Belonging. Affirmations, Objections, Explorations, co-edited with Ross Thompson, Ashgate, Farnham, Surrey, 2015 (with an introduction (1-13), and conclusion (233-249) co-written with Thompson, and essay: ‘A Roman Catholic Approach to Buddhist-Catholic Belonging’, 107-22)
Contemporary Catholic Approaches to the People, Land and State of Israel, co-edited Faydra Shapiro, Washington: Catholic University Press of America, 2022, (co-written introduction, xv-xii; and The Catholic Church and Israel/Palestine: The Jewish People, the Land, Nation and State’, 122-44
Getting to Know People of Other Faiths, 9, 1990 (Occasional papers of Catholic Committee for Other Faiths): 'Is God at Work Outside the Church?', 4 pp
Co-authored (equally with six others): Community and Buildings: Church of England Premises and Other Faiths. A report prepared for the General Synod of the Church of England by the Board of Missions Inter Faith Consultative Group, Church of England Board of Mission, London, 1996
'Against Religious Pluralism' in ed. Andrew Walker, Different Gospels, Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1988, pp 206‑24
Second edition, 1992, pp 139‑55
'Troeltsch and Barth ‑ Navigating the Straits', in ed. M Darrol Bryant, Pluralism. Tolerance and Dialogue: Six Studies, Waterloo University Press, Waterloo, 1989, pp 136‑46
Response by Dr. M Darrol Bryant, pp 147‑50
'Theology of Religions', in ed. D. Ford, The Modern Theologians, Basil Blackwell, Oxford/ New York, 1989, pp 274‑90
Translation: Chinese, German, Swedish, Italian, French
Second revised edition, 1997, revised essay: pp 626‑44
Third revised edition, 2005, revised essay, pp. 626-44
'Theological Reflections after the Holocaust on Jesus as Christ', in Remembering the Future, Oxford International Conference: Pergamon Press, UK/US, 1989, pp 709‑19
'Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus ‑ Revisited', in ed. Ian Hamnett, Religious Pluralism and Unbelief, Routledge, London, 1990, pp 130‑47
'John Hick's Transcendental Agnosticism', in ed. Harold Hewitt, John Hick's Philosophy of Religion, Macmillan, London, 1991, pp 102‑16
‑ Response from John Hick, pp 117‑19
- Essay translated into Japanese, in ed. H Mase & H Inagaki, Explorations in Religious Pluralism: Critical Studies of John Hick, Tokyo, Japan, 1995
'Some Reflections on the Essays', in eds. Roger Hooker & John Sargant, Christians and One Nation, British Council of Churches, London, 1991, pp l51‑69
'A Response to Cardinal Tomko: The Kingdom and a Trinitarian Ecclesiology. An Analysis of Soteriocentricism', in eds. Paul Mojzes & Leonard Swidler, Christian Mission and Inter‑Religious Dialogue, Edwin Mellen Press, New York, 1991, pp 51‑61
'Towards a Trinitarian Theology of Religions' in eds. Catherine Cornille & Valeer Neckebrouck, A Universal Faith? Peoples, Cultures, Religions, and the Christ, Peeters Press, Louvain; W.B. Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1991, pp 139‑54
'Christianity and Other Religions', in ed. Dan Cohn‑Sherbok, Many Mansions: Interfaith and Religious Intolerance, Bellew Publishing, London, 1992, pp 31‑43
'Inter‑faith Dialogue', in eds. Clive Erricker et al, SHAP Working Party Handbook: Teaching World Religion, Heinemann, London, 1993, pp 117‑21
'Christianity and Other Faiths', in ed. A. McGrath, The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Modern Christian Thought, Basil Blackwell, Oxford/New York, 1994, pp 48-60
- translated into Finnish
'Christian Theology and Other Faiths', in eds. Peter Byrne & Leslie Houlden, Companion Encyclopedia of Theology, Routledge, London & New York, 1995, pp 291‑313
'One Covenant or Many Covenants', in ed. Robin Gill, Readings in Modern Theology, SPCK, London, 1995, pp 173‑185
‑ Reprint of article in Journal of Ecumenical Studies, 27, 3, 1990, pp 441‑52
'Theology of Religions', in ed. David Ford, The Modern Theologians, Blackwell, Oxford, 1996, 2nd. rev. ed., pp 626‑44 (already cited above with first edition)
'Religious Studies and the Religious Imagination' in ed. John C Hawley, Through a Glass Darkly: Essays in the Religious Imagination, Fordham University Press, New York, 1996, pp 193-209
'Whose Objectivity? Which Neutrality? The Doomed Quest for a Neutral Vantage Point from Which to Judge Religions' in ed. G Kessler, Philosophy of Religions in A Global Perspective, Wadsworth, California, 1997, pp 86‑102
‑ Reprint of article in Religious Studies, 29, 1993, pp 75‑95
'Revelation and World Religions' in ed. Paul Avis, Divine Revelation, Darton, Longman & Todd, London, 1997, pp 112‑139
'Viele Welten ‑ viele Religionen. Warum eine pluralistiche Theologie der Religionen in der gegenwärtigen Krise nicht hilfreich ist', in ed. Hans‑Gerd Schwandt, Pluralistische Theologie der Religionen. Eine kritische Sichtung, Verlag Otto Lembeck, Frankfurt am Main, 1998, pp 135‑152
'The Christian trinity: paradigm for pluralism?', in ed. John D'Arcy May, Pluralism and the Religions. The Theological and Political Dimensions, Cassell, London, 1998, pp 22‑39
'Trinitarian différance and world religions: Postmodernity and the "Other"', in ed. Ursula King, Faith and Praxis in a Postmodern Age, Cassell, London, 1998, pp 28-46
'His Word or Our Words? Postmodernity's Angelic Predicament in The Satanic Verses'. in ed. Liam Gearon, English Literature, Theology and the Curriculum, Cassell, London, 1999,
pp 265-85
'Discerning Christ in World Religions', in eds. Geoffrey Turner & John Sullivan, Explorations in Catholic Theology, Lindisfarne Books, Dublin, 1999, pp. 119-130
'Theology of Religions & Dogmatics', in fourth revised edition of Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart, J. C. Mohr, Tübingen, 2000, pp 74-76
'Nostra Aetate ‑ Telling God's Story in Asia: Problems and Pitfalls', in ed. Leo Kennis & Malcolm Lambergits, Vatican II and its Heritage, Peeters Press, Leuven, 2000, pp 82-98
‘Other Faiths and Christian Ethics’ in ed. Robin Gill, The Cambridge Companion to Christian Ethics, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2001, pp 154-67
'The Holy Spirit and the World Religions: A Blessing for the Church?' in Finding the Pulse of the Spirit Today, presented by Center for Faith and Culture, The University of St. Thomas, Huston, Texas, 2001, pp.32-47
'Postmodernity and religious pluralism: Is a Common Global Ethic Possible or Desirable?' in ed. Graham Ward, The Blackwell Companion to Postmodern Theology, Blackwell, Oxford, 2001, pp.131-43
Reprint of part of my essay ‘The Impossibility of a Pluralist View of Religions’, in eds. Colin E Gunton, Stephen R Holmes, Murray A Rae, The Practice of Theology. A Reader, SCM, London, 2001, pp,437-40
‘Christ, Revelation and the World Religions: A Critical Appreciation of Keith Ward’s Comparative Global Theology’ in ed. T. W. Bartel, Comparative Theology. Essays for Keith Ward, SPCK, London, 2003, pp.33-43
‘The Communion of Saints and Other Religions: On Saintly Wives in Hinduism and Catholicism’, in ed. Stephen C. Barton, Holiness Past and Present, T & T Clark, London/New York, 2003, pp.421-40
'Church and Sacraments', in ed. Gareth Jones, The Blackwell Companion to Modern Theology, Blackwell, Oxford, 2004, pp. 258-75
‘Vatican II and the Status of Other Religions as Salvific Structures’, in ed. Liam Bergen, Faith, Word & Culture, Columba Press, Dublin, 2004, pp. 9-24
‘On Theology’s Babylonian Captivity within the Secular University’, in eds. Jeff Astley et al, The Idea of a Christian University. Essays on Theology and Higher Education, Paternoster, Bucks, 2004, pp. 183-199
‘Theology of Religions’, in ed. David Ford with Rachael Muers, The Modern Theologians, 3rd edition, Blackwell, Oxford, 2005, pp. 626-44 (revised essay from 1st and 2nd editions, already cited above with first edition)
‘De prins en de olifant, or waarom het pluralism geen oplossing biedt', in ed. L. Verboven, Pelgrims onderweg. Spirituele ervaringen en gespreekken, Uitgeverij, 2006, pp. 177-191
‘Queer Trinity’, in ed. Gerard Loughlin, Queer Theology: Rethinking the Western Body, Blackwell, Oxford, 2007, pp. 269-81
‘Interreligious dialogue: Catholic theory and practice’ , in eds. Frederick C. Bauerschmidt, James J. Buckley, R. Trent Pomplun, The Blackwell Companion to Catholicism, Blackwell, Oxford, 2007, pp. 449-62
'Theology and Religious Studies OR Theology versus Religious Studies', in eds. Darlene L. Bird & Simon G. Smith, Theology and Religious Studies in Higher Education. Global Perspectives, Continuum, London/New York, 2009, pp. 44-54
‘The Crucifixion’ (English and Italian commentary), in official catalogue for the Milan Exhibition of Bas Meerman, Bas Meerman, Studio D’Arte Canaviello, Milano, 2009, 4 pp after the painting: ‘The Crucifixion’
‘Roman Catholic Reflections on Discerning God in Interreligious Dialogue: Challenges and Promising Avenues', in ed. Catherine Cornille, Criteria of Discernment in Interreligious Dialogue, Wipf & Stock/ Cascade, Eugene, Oregon, 2009, pp. 69-86
‘A Catholic Theology of Religions’, in ed. Hugh Boulter, Pursuing the Friendship of Strangers. Interfaith dialogue about Interfaith encounter, JEF Consultancy, Berks, 2009, pp. 17-21
'Windows in Faith: Theology and Religious Studies at the University', in ed. John Sullivan Communicating Faith, Catholic University of America Press, Washington, D.C, 2011, pp. 214-228
‘Theology amid Religious Diversity’, in ed. Meister Chad, Oxford Handbook on Religious Pluralism, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2011,142-153
‘On Theology, the Humanities, and the University’, in eds. Christopher Craig Brittain & Francesca Aran Murphy, Theology, University, Humanities. Initium Sapientiae Timor Domini, Cascade Books, Eugene, Oregon, 2011, 194-212
‘The Trinity in Interreligious Dialogues’, in eds. Gilles Emery & Matthew Levering, Handbook on the Trinity, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2011, pp.573-86
4 dictionary entries on: ‘Theology of Religions’ (2000 words), ‘Inculturation’ (1250 words), ‘Karl Rahner’ (1000 words), ‘Anonymous Christians’ (250 words) in eds. Ian MacFarland et al, Oxford Dictionary of Theology, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2011
'Interreligious Prayer between Christians and Muslims', in Sharada Sugitharajah (Ed.), Religious Pluralism and the Modern World, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, 2012. pp. 95-106
‘Catholics reading the Scripture of other Religions: some reflections’, in eds. Catarina Belo & Jean-Jacques Pérennès, Mission in Dialogue. Essays in Honour of Michael L. Fitzgerald, Louvain: Peeters, 2012, pp. 33-43
‘The Bible in a World of Religious Pluralism: Reading the Bible with and for the Jewish People?’, in eds. Angus Paddison & Neil Messer, The Bible. Culture, Community, Society, T & T Clark, London, 2013, 139-56 (9780567049445)
‘Catholicism, Religious Pluralism and Education for the Common Good’, eds. Gareth Byrne & Patricia Kiernan, Towards Mutual Ground. Pluralism, Religious Education and Diversity in Irish Schools, Dublin: Columba Press, 2013, 111-22
‘Interfaith Prayer’ in eds. Interpreting the Spirit of Assisi, Challenges to Interfaith Dialogue in a Pluralistic World, Franciscan International Study Centre, 2013
‘Response to Asma Afsaruddin’, in eds. Death, Resurrection and Human Destiny, eds. David Marshall & Lucinda Mosher, Georgetown University, Washington DC, 2014, 57-61
‘The Trinity and the World Religions’, in eds. Christophe Chalamet & Marc Vial, Recent Developments in Trinitarian Theology. An International Symposium, Fortress Press: Minneapolis, 2014, 107-26
‘The New Evangelization and Other Religions: Facing Three Objections to Evangelization in Regard to the World Religions’ in eds. Paul Grogan & Kirsteen Kim, The New Evangelization. Faith, People, Context and Practice, Bloomsbury T & T Clark, London, 2015, 179-197.
‘De volheid der waarheid’, in ed Jürgen Mettepenningen, Geloven. Spirituele denkers mit de hele wereld getuigen, (Lannoo, Amsterdam, 2015), 233-41
‘Christology and World Religions. A Systematic Perspective’ in ed. Francesca Aran Murphy, The Oxford Handbook of Christology, (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2015), 596-610; ISBN: 9780 19964 190 1
‘A Roman Catholic Approach to Buddhist-Catholic Belonging’, in edited Gavin D’Costa & Ross Thompson Buddhist-Christian Dual Belonging. Affirmations, Objections, Explorations, Ashgate, Farnham, Surrey, 2015, 107-22
'Changing the Typology? Why Pluralism Should be Renamed Post-Christian Inclusivism', in eds. Elizabeth J Harris, Paul Hedges and Shanthikumar Hettiarchchi, Twenty First Century Theologies of Religions. Retrospection and Future Prospects, (Brill Rodopi, Leiden, 2016, ISBN 978 90322462; e-book: 9789004324077)
‘Between Doctrine and Discernment: The Question of the Jewish People and the Development of Doctrine Arising from Vatican II’, in eds. Terrence Merrigan & John Friday, The Past, Present, and Future of Theologies of Interreligious Dialogue, (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2017), 64-81 (ISBN: 978 0 19 879234 5)
'Nostra Aetate and its English speaking reception', in eds. Matthew L. Lamb & Matthew Levering, The Reception of Vatican II, (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2017), 425-58
‘Assessing Catholic – Buddhist Dual Belonging in the Light of the Catholic Magisterium’, in eds. Patrik Fridulund & Mika Vähäkangas, Theological and Philosophical Responses to Syncretism. Beyond the Mirage of Pure Religion, (Brill: Leiden/Boston, 2017), 104-62
‘Retrieval and Religions: Roman Catholic Christians and the Jewish People after the Holocaust’, in ed. Darren Sarisky, Darren (London: Bloomsbury, 2017), 297-312
'The Second Vatican Council', in eds. Lewis Ayres and Medi Ann Volpe, The Oxford Handbook of Catholic Theology, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019), 782-802
‘Towards a Tentative Catholic Zionism: The Trajectory after Nostra Aetate?’ in eds. Peter Casarella & Gabriel Reynolds, The Whole is Greater than its Parts. Encountering the Interreligious and Ecumenical Other in the Age of Pope Francis, (Herder & Herder, New York, 2020), 185-210
‘God’s Irrevocable Covenant to His People. Towards a Tentative Minimalist Catholic Zionism’, in eds. Philip Geister SJ & Gosta Hallonsten, Faithful Interpretations. Truth and Islam in Catholic Theology of Religions, (Catholic University of America Press, 2021), 39-57
‘Considering the case of Catholic-Hindu Dual Belonging from a magisterial and dogmatic point of view’, in Nadya Pohran and Daniel Soars (eds), Hindu-Christian Dual Belonging (London & New York: Routledge, 2022), pp. 69-87
‘Christian Theology of Religions’, St Andrews Encyclopedia of Religion, August 2022: (20k words)
‘Nicola Slee as Poet-Theologian: In a Company of Voices’, authored along with Eleanor Nesbitt, Mark Pryce and Ruth Shelton, in eds. Ashley Cokcsworth et al, From the Shores of Silence. Conversations in Feminist Practical Theology,(SCM, London, 2023), pp. 24-44
Forthcoming, completed and accepted:
‘Reception: Vatican II and Other Religions’, in eds. Sarah Coakley & Richard Cross, in The Oxford Handbook on Reception in Theology, Oxford University Press, Oxford, forthcoming 2022
New Blackfriars, 65, 769/770, 1984, pp 323‑31: 'John Hick's Copernican Revolution ‑ Ten Years After'
Modern Theology, 1, 2, 1985, pp 131‑48: 'Karl Rahner's Anonymous Christian: A Reappraisal'
Modern Churchman, 27, 2, 1985, pp 37‑45: 'A Bibliography: Christian Attitudes Towards Other Religions'
New Blackfriars, 66, 777, 1985, pp 135‑37: 'An Answer to Mr. Loughlin' (A reply to a criticism of first journal entry above)
Theology, 88, 724, 1985, pp 259‑69: 'Elephants, Ropes and a Christian Theology of Religions'
Scottish Journal of Theology, 39, 21, 1986, pp 211‑24: 'The Pluralist Paradigm in a Christian Theology of Religions'
‑ Translated into German in Theologie der Gegenwart, 4, 30, 1987, pp 221‑51
Theology, 89, 731, 1986, pp 385‑6: 'Is Pluralism too Much? A Reply to Alan Race' (A reply to a criticism of fifth journal entry above)
Anvil, 4, 2, 1987, pp 175‑85: 'An Introduction to the Literature: Christianity and Other Religions'
Dialogue and Alliance, 2, 2, 1988, pp 41‑52: 'Christian Approaches to Other Religions'
Perkins Journal of Theology, October, 1988, pp 21‑5: 'An assessment of the state of the debate: The Myth of Christian Uniqueness'
The Thomist, July, 1990, pp 519‑29: 'Taking Other Religions Seriously: Some Ironies in the Current Debate on a Christian Theology of Religions'
Journal of Ecumenical Studies, 27, 3, 1990, pp 441-52 : 'One Covenant or Many Covenant: Towards a Jewish‑Christian Theology' ‑ See essays in edited books above: ed. Robin Gill, 1995
International Bulletin of Missionary Research, 15, 2, 1991, pp 60‑70: 'Religious Pluralism and Mission'
New Blackfriars, October, 1991, pp 418‑32: 'The Satanic Verses in British Society: Secular Discourse and the Clash of Faiths'
Dialogue and Alliance, July, 1991, pp 4‑17: 'Some Problems with Discerning God in the World'
Theology, 95, 767, 1992, pp. 324‑34: 'The End of Systematic Theology'
New Blackfriars, 74, 867, 1993, pp 41‑7: 'Creating Confusion: A Response to lan Markham'
Religious Studies, 29, 1993, pp 79‑85: 'Whose Objectivity? Which Neutrality? The Doomed Quest for a Neutral Vantage Point from Which to Judge Religions'
‑ Reprinted in ed. G Kessler, Philosophy of Religions in a Global Perspective, Wadsworth,
California, 1997, pp 86‑102
The Thomist, 57, 3, 1993, pp 524‑28: 'A Discussion of J A DiNoia, The Diversity of Religions: A Christian Perspective'
Studia Missionalia, 42, 1993, pp 161‑78: 'An Examination of John Hick and Paul Knitter's Theology of Religions'
Modern Theology, 10, 2, 1994, pp 165‑84: 'Revelation and revelations: Beyond a Static Valuation of Other Religions'
Bulletin, 85/86, 1, 1994, pp 145‑64: 'The Role and Value of Different Religious Traditions'
The Month, 27, 12, 1994, pp 486‑91: 'Discerning Christ in the World Religions'
Reprinted in eds. Geoffrey Turner & John Sullivan, Explorations in Catholic Theology, Lindisfarne Books, Dublin, 1999, pp. 119-130
Discovery, 5, 1994, pp 25‑32: 'Response to Father Haight's essay'
Studia Missionalia, 44, 1995, pp 121‑48: 'Inculturation: India and Other Religions'
Theology, 791, 1996, pp 338‑51: 'The End of “Theology” and “Religious Studies”'
reproduced in eds. C Gunton, M Rae, S Holmes, The Practice of Theology. A Reader, SCM, London, 2001
Religious Studies, 32, 1996, pp 232-32 : 'The Impossibility of a Pluralist View of Religions'
Reprint of part in eds. Colin E Gunton, Stephen R Holmes, Murray A Rae, The Practice of Theology. A Reader, SCM, London, 2001, pp,437-40
Response from John Hick, 'The Possibility of Religious Pluralism: A Reply to Gavin D'Costa' Religious Studies, 33, 1997, pp 161-6
Norsk Teolocisk Tidsskrift, 99, 1, 1998, pp 19‑29: 'Theology and Religious Studies in a Pluralist Society: Towards a New Interdisciplinary Identity?'
Bulletin, 98, 1998, pp 254‑57: 'Theological Evaluation of Interreligious Prayer: The Catholic Tradition'
Journal of Theological Studies , 49:2 (1998) 910-914: "Extended review of Jacques Dupuis, Toward a Christian Theology of Religious Pluralism"
Reviews in Religion and Theology, 3, 1998, pp 7‑13: 'On trinitarian ecclesiologies'
Reviews in Religion and Theology, 6, 4, 1999, pp 356-60: ‘On Seeking Vision’
Gregorianum, 80, 1, 1999, pp. 5-31: ‘The Trinity and Other Religions: Genesis 18, Judaism
62and Hinduism in Two Works of Art’
International Journal of Systematic Theology, 6, 4, 2004, pp. 337-50: ‘Revelation, Scripture and Tradition: Some Comments on John Webster’s Conception of “Holy Scripture”’
Ars Disputandi, ‘Response to Moore’,, 2005
Missioneoggi, ‘Tutti lo adoreanno’,, 2005.
Transformation. An International Dialogue on Mission and Ethics, 22, 3, 2005, pp. 148-57: ‘On Theologizing Theology within the Secular University’
Reviews of Religion and Theology: ‘The New Wave Feminists: Catholic Orthodoxy Strikes Back’, 1, 2005, pp. 3-10
Studies in Interreligious Dialogue: 17, 1, 2007, pp. 31-45, ‘Engaging with a “Clash of Civilisations”. Liberal views of Religion in the Public Domain and Catholic Approaches’ – and a response by Norbert Hintersteiner, ‘Engaging Religious Plurality: Secular Awareness and Traditonary Procedure. A Response to Gavin D’Costa’, pp. 46-60
Modern Theology, ‘”Christian Orthodoxy And Religious Pluralism": A Response to Terrence W. Tilley', 23, 3, 2007, pp. 435-446
Modern Theology, ‘”Christian Orthodoxy And Religious Pluralism": A Further Rejoinder To Terrence W. Tilley', 23, 3, 2007, pp. 455-462
Modern Theology, ‘Concluding our Quaestio Disputata on Theologies of Religious Diversity’ with Terrence Tilley, 23, 3, 2007, pp. 463-468
Modern Theology, ‘Orthodoxy and Religious Pluralism: A Response to Perry Schmidty-Lecukel, 24, 2, 2008, 285–289
Literature and Theology, ‘Atonement and the Crime of Seeing: Patrick White's, Riders in the Chariot ‘, 22, 2, 2008, 162-179
International Journal of Systematic Theology, ‘The descent into hell as a solution for the problem of the fate of unevangelised non-Christians: Balthasar’s hell, the limbo of the fathers, and purgatory’, 11, 2, 2009, pp.146-71
Modern Theology, ‘The Catholic Church and the Jewish People: Recent Reflections from Rome’, 25, 2, 2009, pp. 348-352
Islam and Christian Muslim Relations, ‘Hermeneutics and Second Vatican Council's Teachings: establishing Roman Catholic theological grounds for religious freedoms in relation to Islam. Continuity or discontinuity in the Catholic tradition?’ 20, 3, 2009, pp. 277-90, ISN: 0959-6410
Revista Espanola de Teologia, 'Catholic Engagement with Other Religions: Dogmatics in interaction with culture - understanding, interpretation and judgement', LXIX, 2009, pp. 33-62, ISN:0210-7112
Louvain Studies, ‘The Holy Spirit and the World Religions’, 34, 2009, pp. 279-311
New Blackfriars, ‘Traditions and reception: interpreting Vatican II's 'Declaration on the Church's Relation to Non-Christian Religions', 92, 2011, 484-503
Theology, 'On Being a Catholic Theologian', 115, 2012, pp. 3-13
Theological Studies, ‘What does the Catholic Church Teach about Mission to the Jewish People?’, 73, 3, 2012, 590-613; [plus responses: Edward Kessler, ‘A Jewish Response to Gavin D’Costa’, 614-28; John T Pawlikowski, ‘A Catholic Response to Gavin D’Costa’, 629-40]
Islam and Christian Muslim Relations, ‘Interreligious prayer between Christians and Muslims’,
DOI:10.1080/09596410.2013.731728 (20012), 1-14
New Blackfriars, ‘Continuity and Reform in Vatican II’s Teaching on Islam’, 94, 1050, 2013, 208-23
Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations, ‘Do Christians and Muslims Believe in the Same God? Reflection on Miroslav Volf’s Allah: A Christian Response’, 151-160
New Blackfriars, ‘Giuseppe Verdi and the Atoning Cost of Forgiveness’, 94, 2013, 603-618 (co-author Sara Pecknold)
Nova et Vetera, ‘Response to My Respondents’, 1, 2017, 309-29 (Response to symposium review of my book Vatican II. Doctrines on Jews and Muslims)
European Judaism, ‘Supersessionism. Harsh, Mild or Gone for Good?’, 50, 1, 2017, 99-107
Signum, ‘Treenigheten I den interreligiösa dialogen’, 5, 2017, 24-30 (Swedish translation of essay ‘50A, in eds. Gilles Emery & Matthew Levering, Handbook on the Trinity, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2011, pp.573-86)
Louvain Studies, Fall 2017, 40, 3: Symposium on Gavin D’Costa, Vatican II. Catholic Doctrines on Jews and Muslims (237-322; A response to the essays: 303-322)
Vigilia (Hungarian), 2, 2018: ‘A katalokus vallásteológia’ (82-89); ‘Tanulhatunk-e más vallásoktól? Kerekasztal-beszélgetés Gavin D’Costa, Klaus von Stosch és Patsch Ferenc
Részvételével’ (127-37)
Pro-Ecclesia, ‘Developing the Conversation. A Divine Messiah and a Catholic Zionism’, (Response to Fr Thomas Weinandy – The Jews and the Body of Christ, 27, 4, 2018, 437-43).
(4000 words)
Nova et Vetera, ‘The Mystery of Israel: Jews, Hebrew Catholics, Messianic Judaism, the Catholic Church, and the Mosaic Ceremonial Laws’, 2018, Vol. 16, No. 3, 939-77.
Theopolis, ‘A Response to Professor Gerald McDermott’s ‘Rethinking Israel’;September 26, 2019:
Mosaic, ‘The New Catholic Zionism’, Sept 9, 2019 (6000 words):; and a response to three respondents (Professor Kevin J. Madigan, Rabbi Meir Soloveichik, and Daniel Johnson
‘A Response ???’ October 2, 2019 (4000 words):
First Things, ‘Catholic Zionism’, January 2020, 17-20
Angelicum, ‘Can Catholic Natural Law theory help us in engaging with Non-Christian Religions’. Vol. 100, 2023, 1, 28pp.
IslamoChristiana, ‘Christian Theological Engagement with Islam: From Vatican II to Today. Some Reflections’, 49, 2023, 187-202
Three one hour conversations after an initial presentation with Dr Faydra Shapiro on the Past/Present/Future relations between Catholics and Jews (2020)
'Foreword' to Christopher Sinkinson, The Universe of Faiths. A Critical Study of John Hikc's Religious Pluralism, Paternoster, Carlisle, 2001, pp.v-vii
'Foreword' to Tim S. Perry, Radical Difference. A Defence of Hendrik Kraemer's Theology of Religions, Wilfred Laurier University Press, Canada, 2001, p.vii
Daniel Stange (published PhD thesis, 2007: Paternoster Press: The Possibility of Salvation Among the Unevangelized: An Analysis of Inclusivism in Recent Evangelical Theology)
Adam Sparks (published PhD thesis, 2010: Pickwick Publications, Eugene, OR: One of a Kind. The Relationship between Old and New Covenants as the Hermeneutical Key for Christian Theology of Religions)
eds. Jo Carruthers & Andrew Tate, Spiritual Identities. Literature and the Post-Secular Imagination, Peter Lang, Oxford, 2010
Santosh Sebastian Cheruvally, Jesus Christ. Question and Context of Abhishiktananda (Henri Le Saux OSB), ISPCK, Delhi, 2011
The Tablet, 10 December 1983, pp 1203‑04: 'A Hindu Christianity'
The Tablet, 21 July 1984, pp 691‑92: 'Christ and Other Faiths'
Catholic Herald, 14 June 1985, p 5: 'Conversations on a Tightrope'
Catholic Herald, 21 June 1985, p 7: 'Recognizing Truth and Holiness in Other Faiths'
Journal of Beliefs and Values, 7, 1, 1986, pp 14‑22: 'A Report on the Blaisdell Conference, California, on Christianity and Other Religions'
Journal of Beliefs and Values, 8, 2, 1987, pp 33‑35: 'A Report on the Colston Society Symposium on Religious Pluralism'
Journal of Beliefs and Values, 8, 2, 1987, pp 38‑9: 'A Report on the Summer Institute for Teaching the Holocaust and Studies on Anti‑Semitism, Yad Vashem, Jerusalem'
Discernment, 2, 2, 1988, pp 41‑2: 'Report on Conference: 'Parting of Ways. Jews and Christians in the First Five Centuries'
Discernment, 2, 4, 1988, pp 26‑31: 'The Roman Catholic Committee for Other Faiths'
Common Ground, 4, 1988, pp 8‑9: 'Remembering for the Future. The Impact of the Holocaust and Genocide on Jews and Christians'
Journal of Beliefs and Values, 10, 1 1989, pp 39‑41: 'Conference Report on Christianity and the World Religions: Professor Hans Küng in Dialogue'
Reconciliation Quarterly, March, 1989, pp 16‑8: 'Interfaith Dialogue and Peace'.
Priest and People, 8, 1, 1994, pp 7‑11: 'Faith in Pluralist Britain'
The Tablet, 20/30 December 1995, pp 1648‑49: 'How far can artists go?'
Manna. The Voice of Living Judaism, 85, 2004, pp. 31-33: ‘Why the Jewish Edith Became a Catholic Saint’
The Tablet, 2004, ‘Faith and reason in higher education’
The Tablet, 29 October, 2005: ‘Judaism and Christianity: Nostra Aetate breaks up murderous siblings’
Revista do Instituto Humanitas Unisinos (Online), 248, 17 December 2007, Special edition: Jesus the universal saviour: ‘Entrevista com Gavin D’Costa: O homem que torna Deus uma realidade para nős’ [interview in Portuguese]
Times Higher Education, 5-11 February, 2009: ‘Darwin and Christian theology’, pp. 32-3
First Things, May 2012: ‘Remembering John Hick’, pp. 21-3
Tablet, 2 February 2013: ‘Hell is back: Who gets in, and who is kept out’, p. 20
America, 17 November, 2014: ‘A Prophetic Vision. Dogmatic Constitution on the Church 50 years on’, hardcopy and e-copy:
The Tablet, ‘Search for the Promised Land’, 3 March, 2018, pp. 8–9.
Vigilia (Hungarian), ‘Az ígéret földjének nyomában. A cionizmus és az egyház (Görföl Tibor fordítása)’, 388-89, 2022
Il Regno, June 2022, ‘Israele e la terra promessa’, (in conversation with Rabbi David Rosen) 363-72
Croatian Catholic Network, ‘ (English title. Article in Croatian) Professor D’Costa on the Jews in the doctrines of the Catholic Church’, 27.12.2022:
Performance of poetry set to music:
January 2017: Collaboration with Prof John Pickard (University of Bristol) to produce a ten-minute musical work, Daughters of Zion. The underlying poem written by D'Costa. Pickard's score is for mezzo-soprano and chamber ensemble. Premiered by the Kokoro Ensemble (Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra) with mezzo-soprano Angharad Lyddon. (CD 2020)
February 2019: Collaboration with Prof John Pickard and BBC Singers conducted by Andrew Griffiths. Seventeen minute musical work, Mass in Troubled Times. Recorded for broadcast on BBC Radio 3 during Afternoon Concert on February 12. (CD forthcoming)
Excluding book reviews and minor references to my work
Ph.D. theses
1997: Karl Rahner and his influence on Catholic Theology of Religions (London, King's
College: Samuel Rayan SJ)
1997: An anthropological approach to theology : a study of John Hick's theology of religious
pluralism, towards ethical criteria for a global theology of religions (Bristol: Heather
Meacock - published by University Press of America)
1997 Theologie im Angesicht der Religionen. Gavin D'Costa Kritik an der pluralistischen
Religionstheologie John Hicks, (München: André Gerth – published by Ferdinand
1998 The Uniqueness of Jesus Christ in the Theocentric Model of the Christian Theology of
Religions: An Elaboration and Evaluation of the Position of John Hick (Rome: Gregory
Carruthers – published by University Press of America)
1988 'Christology, Liberation and Religious Pluralism. A Critical Study of M. M. Thomas, P.
- Knitter and G. G. D'Costa', (Gregorian University, Rome: John Thoppil)
1999 A Critical Reappraisal of Hendrik Kraemer and his Contribution to Theology of
Religions (Durham: Ian Perry - published by Wilfred Laurier Press)
1999 Contemporary Catholic Theology of Religions and the problem of Christology: A study
of Paul Knitter, Gavin D'Costa and Jacques Dupuis (Gregorianum, Rome: John Bong
1999 På väg mot en kristen religionsteologi: En undersökning av det kristna
penbarelseanspråket i förhållande till andra religioners uppenbarelseanspråk (PhD,
Uppsala University, Theology Faculty, Dag Bjärnhall: English abstract –
2000 Dialogue and Proclamation: Catholic Theologies of Religion (Birmingham University:
Mgr. Tom Farrow)
2002 The Theology of John Hick: Its Soteriological and Missiological implications for a
Pluralistic age (MTh, University of Melbourne, Rev. Satish Manmothe)
2007 Trinidad Y Pluralismo Religioso en Gavin D’Costa. Lineas fundamentals de su
propuesta telogica (MTh, Pontifical University of Salamanca, Luis Santamaria del Rio)
2007 The Trinitarian Theology of Jacques Dupuis, S. Mark Heim and Gavin D’Costa in
Contemporary Interreligious Dialogue (PhD, Faculty of Theology, Leuven,Przemyslaw
2007 A “Trinitarian’ Theology of Religions? An Augustinian Assessment of Several Recent
Proposals’, (Duke Divinity School, Duke University, by Keith Edward Johnson)
2009 The Apologetic Rationality of Gavin D’Costa’s Theology of Religions (Catholic
University of Leuven, MA specialized study, Wouter Biesbrouck)
2010 The question of the salvation of non-Christians, doctoral thesis by Rev. Marek Říčan,
M.Div., Th.D. (Protestant Theological Fakulty, Charles University, Pratur, Czech
Republic) – being published as a monograph in Czech (2012)
2010 Ruben C. Mendoza, Religious Pluralism and the Turn to the Spirit: FABC’s and
Gavin D’Costa’s Theology of Religions, Phd, Archīum Ateneo de Manila University
2012 Loe-Joo Tan (Singapore), 'An Assessment of Gavin D'Costa's Trinitarian Theology of
Religions with reference to the Trinitarian Theology of Basil of Caesarea' (PhD,
University of St. Andrews, Scotland)
2012 A Trinitarian model in meeting the challenges of Religious Pluralism concerning the
uniqueness of Jesus Christ: A study based on the writings of Gavin D'Costa,
(Santhanam Jegan, Institut Catholique de Paris, Paris)
2012 Joas Adiprasetya, ‘The Trinity and Multiple Religious Participations. An Imaginative
Glimpse’, Boston University, School of Theology, Boston, PhD)
2012 Philip McGee, ‘An analysis of the major tensions inherent in the Catholic Church’s
response to the religious other: From Vatican II and Nostra Aetate to Dominus Iesus’.
(Glasgow University, MTh(R) thesis – a minor section on my hermeneutical approach).
2013 Wouter Biesbrouck, ‘Wrestling with Angels: Catholic & Evangelical Tradition-Specific
Approaches to Theology of Religions’ (Louven KC, PhD – on Yong, D’Costa and
2016 Thi Tuong Oanh Nguyen, ‘A Biblical-Exegetical Examination of the Appeal to the
Trinity in the Contemporary Theology of Religions: The Case of Jacques Dupuis and
Gavin D'Costa’ (Louven KC, PhD)
2018 Francis Zavier, ‘Antropocosmic-theism: Towards a theistic re-orientation of Raimon
Panikkar’s pluralistic theology of religions’, (University of Birmingham, PhD)
2018 Ambroise Laurent, Les théologies chrétiennes des religions au défi de l’indifférence
religieuse Réflexions à partir des écrits de Joseph Di Noia et Gavin D’Costa, (Institut
Catholique de Paris, Faculté de Théologie et de Sciences Religieuses Institut de Science
et de Théologie des Religions, PhD)
2022 Manoj Rasanjana, ‘Comparing Gavin D’Costa and Alyosius Pieres SJ theology of
religions.’ PhD, Gregorian University, Rome
Secondary critical materials in academic journals:
Gerard Loughlin, 'Paradox and Paradigms: Defending the Case for a Revolution in Theology of Religions', New Blackfriars, 66, 777, 1985, pp 127-35
Alan Race, 'Christianity and Other Religions: Is Inclusivism Enough?', Theology, 89, 1986, pp 178-86
Schubert Ogden, 'Problems in the Case for a Pluralistic Theology of Religions', The Journal of Religion, 68, 1988, pp 493-507
H Döring and P Schmidt-Leukel, 'Interreligiöser Dialog als ökumenisches Problem, in: Catholica', Vierteljahresschrift für ökumenische Theologie, 44, 1990, 221-41
- Philip Barnes, ‘Continuity and development in John Hick's theology’, Studies in Religion/Sciences Religieuses, 1992, 21, 4, 395-402.
John V. Apczynski, ‘John Hick’s Theocentricism: Revolutionary or Implicitly Exclusivist?’, Modern Theology, 8, 1, 1992, 39–52
Ian Markham, 'Creating Options: Shattering the ‘Exclusivist, Inclusivist, and Pluralist’ Paradigms’, New Blackfriars, 74, 867, 1993, pp 33-41
John Hick, ‘Straightening the Record: Some Responses to Critics', Modern Theology, 6, 1990, 187-95
Peter O’Donovan, ‘The Intolerance of Religious Pluralism’, Religious Studies, 1993, 29: 217-229
John Hick, ‘The Possibility of Religious Pluralism: A Reply to Gavin D’Costa’, Religious Studies, 33, 1997, pp 161-66
Judson Trapnell, 'Indian Sources on the Possibility of a Pluralist View of Religions', Journal of Ecumenical Studies, 35, 2, 1998, pp.210-34 (in response to the 'Impossibility of a Pluralist view of religions' in Religious Studies - above)
Paul Knitter, 'Catholics and Other Religions: Bridging the Gap between Dialogue and Theology', Louvain Studies, 24, 1999, pp. 319-54
Tim Winter, 'The Last Trump Card', Studies in Interreligious Dialogue, 9, 2, 1999, pp.133-55
Terrence Merrigan, 'For Us and for Our Salvation': The Notion of Salvation History in the Contemporary Theology of Religions’, Irish Theological Quarterly, 1999, 64, 4, 339-348
Extended multi-review of my book The Meeting of Religions and the Trinity, (three reviewers: John Hick, Dan Cohn-Sherbok, John Peacock), with a response from me, Reviews of Religion and Theology, 8, 3, 2001, pp.232-50 (editor Isabel Wollaston)
Rose Drew, ‘Reconsidering the Possibility of Pluralism’ Journal of Ecumenical Studies, 40, 3, 2003, pp. 245-66 (in response to the 'Impossibility of a Pluralist view of religions' in Religious Studies – above
A James Reimer, ‘Public Orthodoxy and Civil Forbearance. The Challenge of Modern Law for Religious Minority Groups’, The Conrad Grebel Review, 21, 3, 2003, pp.96-111
Przemyslaw Plata, ‘Gavin D’Costa’s Trinitarian Theology of Religions’, Louvain Studies, 30, 2005, pp. 299-324
Julie Clague, ‘The Christa: Symbolizing My Humanity and My Pain’, Feminist Theology, 2005, 14, 1, 83-108.
Pamela Chrabieh and Jean-François Roussel, ‘Théologies pragmatiques et dialogue interreligieux : une pratique et une discipline de la parole plurielle’ , Studies in Religion/Sciences Religieuses, 2005, 34, 3-4, 375-390.
Miroslav Volf, ‘Johannine Dualism and Contemporary Pluralism’, Modern Theology, 21, 2, 2005, 189–217
Norbert Hintersteiner, ‘Engaging Religious Plurality: Secular Awareness and Traditonary Procedure. A Response to Gavin D’Costa’, Studies in Interreligious Dialogue: 17, 1, 2007, pp. 46-60
Terrence Tilley, ‘Christian Orthodoxy and Religious Pluralism: A Rejoinder to Gavin D’Costa’, Modern Theology, 23, 3, 2007, pp. 447-454
Terrence Tilley & Gavin D’Costa, ‘Concluding our Quaestio Disputata on Theologies of Religious Diversity’, Modern Theology, 23, 3, 2007, pp. 463-468
Angela Pears, Claiming the right to educate: insider/outsider in practical and contextual theology’, International Journal of Public Theology, 1, 3, 2007, 408-20 (414-20 discussion of my work)
John Sullivan, ‘Catholic Higher Education: A Review Article’, Heythrop Journal, 49, 5, 2008, pp. 860-867
John G. Flett, ‘In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit: A Critical Reflection on Trinitarian Theology of Religion of S. Mark Heim and Gavin D’Costa’, International Journal of Systematic Theology, 10, 1, 2008, 73-90
Julia Baudzej, ‘Re-telling the Story of Jesus: The Concept of Embodiment and Recent Feminist Reflections on the Maleness of Christ’, Feminist Theology, September 2008, 17, 1, 72-91.
David H. Kelsey, ‘Theology in the University: Once more, with feeling’, Modern Theology, Volume 25, Issue 2, 2009, 315-27
Paul A. McDonald Jnr., ‘Studying Christian Theology in the Secular University’, Journal of the American Academy of Religion, 2010, 1-34
Ruben C Mendoza, ‘Religious Pluralism and the Turn to the Spirit: FABC’s and Gavin D’Costa’s theology of religions’, Journal of Dharma, 35, 1 2010, 23-38.
Rik Van Nieuwenhove, ‘Catholic Theology in the Thirteenth Century and the Origins of Secularism’, Irish Theological Quarterly, 2010, 75, 4, 339-354
Ambrose Mong, ‘Approaches to inter-faith dialogue: Trinitarian theology and multiple religious belonging’, The Asia Journal of Theology, 24, 2, 2010, 285-311 (Comparison of Phan and D’Costa)
Luis Santamaría del Río, La critica de Gavin D’Costa a la teologia pluralista de las religions de John Hick; Anales de teología, 13, 1, 2011, 61-118
Edward T. Oakes, ‘Descensus and Development: A Response to Recent Rejoinders’, International Journal of Systematic Theology, 13, 1, 2011, 3-24
Marianne Moyaert, ‘Soteriological Openness to Hermenetuical Openness’, Modern Theology 28:1 January 2012, 25-52
Mara Brecht, ‘What’s the Use of Exclusivism’, Theological Studies, 73, 2012, 33-54
Martin Ganeri, ‘Tradition with a New Identity: Thomist Engagement with Non-Christian Thought as a Model for the New Comparative Theology in Europe’, Religions, 2012, 3, 1054-1074
Wouter Biesbrouck, ‘The Use of (Post-) Conciliar Texts in Gavin D’Costa’s Theology of Religions,’ Gregorianum, 94, 4, 2013, 739-56
Wouter Biesbrouck, ‘Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus, Sed Extra Mundum Nulla Damnatio: Reappropriating Christ's Descent Into Hell For Theology of Religions.’ Louvain Studies, 2013, 107-30
- A. Noble, ‘Only Exclusivism Will Do: Gavin D’Costa’s Change of Mind’, Wesleyan Theological Journal, 48, 1, 2013, 62-72
Christian Jacobs-Vandegeer, ‘The Unity of Salvation: Divine Missions, the Church, and World Religions’ (Comparison of Dupuis, D’Costa and Longergan), Theological Studies, 75, 2, 2014, 260-283
Gerald O’Collins, ‘The Church and the Power of Prayer for “the Others”’, Horizons, 41, 2, 2014, 211-29 (Comparison of Dupuis, D’Costa, Sullivan on the topic).
Joshua Furnal, ‘Abraham Joshua Heschel and Nostra Aetate: Shaping the Catholic Reconsideration of Judaism during Vatican II’, Religions, 12 pp, 2016, 7, 70; doi:10.3390/rel7060070
Eduardo Escheverria, ‘D’Costa’s Hermeneutics’, Nova et Vetera, 1, 2017, 255-90 (Symposium review of my book Vatican II. Doctrines on Jews and Muslims)
Gabriel Said Reynolds, ‘Gavin D’Costa, Vatican II, and Islam’, Nova et Vetera, 1, 2017, 291-99 (Symposium review of my book Vatican II. Doctrines on Jews and Muslims)
Richard Schenk OP, ‘A Gordian Knot’, Nova et Vetera, 1, 2017, 301-07 (Symposium review of my book Vatican II. Doctrines on Jews and Muslims)
Ruth Langer, ‘A Jewish Response to Gavin D’Costa, Vatican II: Catholic Doctrines on Jews and Muslims’, Louvain Studies, 40, 3, 2017, 273-285
Wouter Biesbrouck, ‘Do Christians and Muslims Worship the Same God? Lessons for and from Evangelicals’, Louvain Studies, 40, 3, 2017, 260-72
Marcel Poothuis, ‘Divine Sparks and Abraham: A Major Difference’, Louvain Studies, 40, 3, 2017, 249-59
Marianne Moyaert, ‘Catholic Doctrines on Jews and Muslims’, Louvain Studies, 40, 3, 2017, 237-48
Eduardo Escheverria, ‘The Salvation of Non-Christians? Reflections on Vatican II’s Gaudium et Spes 22, Lumen Gentium 16, Gerald O’Collins, S.J. and St. John Paul II’, Angelicum, 94, 2017, 93-194 (use of two of my books in critical assessment of O’Collins)
Kyle Faircloth, ‘Gavin D’Costa’s Theory of the Unevangelized: A Continuing Assessment’, New Blackfriars, 2018, DOI:10.1111/nbfr.12355
Ambroise Laurent, ‘Penser l’indifference religieuse: l’apport indirect de Di Noia, D’Costa et Bullivant, Nouvelle Revue Théologique, 142, 2, 2020, 231-49
Louis Santamaria del Rio, ‘Del inclusivismo a la teologia trinitaria de las religiones’, Anales de teologia, 14, 2, 2021, 371-433
Five review essays:
Ruth Langer, Bruce Marshall, David Fox Sandmel, Philip A. Cunningham, Yuha Zhai, in Studies in Christian Jewish Relations, 15, 1, 2021 (
Stanisław Obirek, ORCID: 0000-0002-8164-2683, Uniwersytet Warszawski ‘Dialog chrześcijańsko-żydowski, historia, teraźniejszość i przyszłość’ Christian-Jewish dialogue, history, present and future, NURT SVD, t. 155, nr 1, 2024, s. 83-108 ISSN 1233-9717, 26pp
Books containing critical discussion on my work:
Gregory Carruthers, The Uniqueness of Jesus Christ in the Theocentric Model of the Christian Theology of Religions: An Elaboration and Evaluation of the Position of John Hick, Lanham, UPA, 1990
- Harold Hewitt, John Hick's Philosophy of Religion, Macmillan, London, 1991
‑ Responses to me from John Hick, pp 117‑19; Jim Kellenberger, pp 120-24
Alan Race, Christians and religious pluralism: patterns in the Christian theology of
Religions, SCM, London, 1993, second edition
John Hick, The Rainbow of Faiths, London, SCM, 1995
Perry Schmidt-Leukel, 'Die religionstheologischen Grundmodelle: Exklusivismus, Inklusivismus, Pluralismus', in ed. A Peter, Christlicher Glaube in multireligiöser Gesellschaft, Erfahrungen, theologische Reflexionen, missionarische Perspektiven, Immensee, (Special edition: Neue Zeitschrift für Missionwissenschaft,) 44, 1996, pp.227-48
André Gerth, Theologie im Angesicht der Religionen. Gavin D'Costa Kritik an der pluralistischen Religionstheologie John Hicks, Ferdinand Schöningh, Paderborn, München, 1997 (series: Beiträge zur Ökumenischen Theologie, Band 27)
Jacques Dupuis, Towards A Christian Theology of Religions, Orbis, Mary Knoll, New York, 1999
Joe DiNoia, Towards a Roman Catholic Theology of Religions, Catholic University of Washington DC, Washington, 1992
Heather Meacock, An Anthropological Approach to Theology, University Press of America, Lanham/Oxford, 2000
John D’Arcy May, ‘Catholic Fundamentalism? Some Implications of Dominus Iesus for Dialogue and Peacemaking’, in ed. Michael J. Rainer, “Dominus Iesus”: Antoessige Warheit oder anstoessige Kirche?, LIT-Verlag, Munster-Hamburg-London, 2001, pp. 21-34
Alan Race, Interfaith Encounter, SCM, London, 2001
Chris Sinkinson, The Universe of Faiths. A Critical Study of John Hick’s Religious Pluralism, Paternoster Press, Cumbria, 2001
Tim S. Perry, Radical Difference. A Defence of Hendrik Kraemer's Theology of Religions, Wilfred Laurier University Press, Canada, 2001
John Hick, Dialogues in the Philosophy of Religion, Palgrave, New York/London, 2001
Paul F. Knitter, Introducing Theologies of Religions, Orbis Books, Maryknoll, New York, 2002
Amos Young, Beyond the Impasse. Towards a Pneumatological Theology of Religions, Paternoster Press, Baker Academics, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 2003
Paul Rhodes Eddy, John Hick's Pluralist Philosophy of World Religions, Ashgate, Aldershot, 2002
Terrence Merrigan, ‘Jacques Dupuis and the Redefinition of Inclusivism’, in eds Daniel Kendall & Gerald O’Collins, In Many and Diverse Ways. In Honour of Jacques Dupuis, Orbis Books, New York, 2003, pp. 60-71
Veli-Matti Karkkainen, Trinity and Religious Pluralism: The Doctrine of Trinity in the Christian Theology of Religions, Ashgate, Aldershot, 2004, pp. 67-81
Daniel A. Madigan, ‘Response to Gavin D’Costa’, in in ed. Liam Bergen, Faith, Word & Culture, Columba Press, Dublin, 2004, pp. 25-31
Perry Schmidt-Leukel, ‘Exclusivism, Inclusivism, Pluralism. The Tripolar Typology – Clarified and Reaffirmed’, in ed. Paul F. Knitter, The Myth of Religious Superiority. A Multifaith Exploration, Orbis Books, New York, 2005, 13-27
Terrence W. Tilley et al, Religious Diversity and the American Experience. A Theological Approach, Continuum, New York, 2007, pp. 80-93, 141-3, 177-80
Paul Hedges, ‘Particularities: Tradition-Specific Post-modern Perspectives’, in eds. Alan Race & Paul Hedges, Christian Approaches to Other Faiths, SCM, London, 2008, pp. 112-35
Scott Steinkerchner OP, Beyond Agreement. Interreligious Dialogue amid Persistent Differences, Rowman & Littlefield, 2011, pp. 85-92, 98, 160-63
Brian W. Hughes, Saving Wisdom. Theology in the Christian University, Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications, 2011, pp. 307-313
- Abraham Vélez de Cea, The Buddha and Religious Diversity, Routledge, London, 2013, pp. 42-64.
Stephen Bullivant, The Salvation of Atheists and Catholic Dogmatic Theology, Oxford Theological Monographs, Oxford, 2012, 115-180
Joas Adiprasetya, The Trinity and Multiple Religious Participations. An Imaginative Glimpse,
Eugene, OR, Wipf and Stock, 2013, 12-104 (study of D’Costa, Panikkar and Heim)
Kenneth Rose, Pluralism: The Future of Religion, (London:Bloomsbury, 2013), 45-64 (criticism of my critique of pluralism)
Ambrose Mong, Accommodation and Acceptance. An Exploration of Interfaith Relations, James Clarke & co, Cambridge, 2016, chapter 9 (comparison of Phan and D’Costa’s Trinitarian theology of religions)
Jakob Wirén, Hope and Otherness. Christian Eschatology in an Interreligious Context, Brill, 2018, 122-29 (discussing my criticism of comparative theology and eschatology)
Loe-Joo Tan, The Trinity and the Religions. A Cappadocian Assessment of Gavin D’Costa’s Theology of Religions, Fortress Academic, 2018
Projects and supervisions
Research projects
Principal Investigator
Managing organisational unit
School of HumanitiesDates
01/04/2008 to 01/08/2008
Thesis supervisions
Are we free to reject God? : Richard Swinburne's hell and John Hick's universalism.
An Examination and Application of Rule Theory for Addressing the Theological Question Regarding the Fate of the Unevangelized: A Reformation Proposal
Setting Theology Free
The emergence of Catholic Zionism (1948-2005)
Recent publications
01/01/2019The Second Vatican Council'
The Oxford Handbook of Catholic Theology
Mass in Troubled Times
The Most Important Question Facing Catholics about Zionism
The New Catholic Zionism
Catholic Doctrines on the Jewish People after Vatican II
Catholic Doctrines on the Jewish People after Vatican II