Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Including Live Websites
    1. Embedding a live webpage using MS word styles
  3. Visual timeline presentation
    1. Creating using Timeline 2.0 1/2
    2. Creating using Timeline 2.0 2/2
    3. Embedding the Timeline 2.0
  4. Sharing presentations online
    1. Creating resources
    2. Embedding the presentation
  5. Including Youtube resources
    1. Embedding Youtube Content
  6. Mindmapping within Wimba Create
    1. Creating a Mindmeister mindmap
    2. Embedding a Mindmeister mindmap
  7. Decision trees for contextual learning
    1. Creating Quandary resources 1/1
    2. Embedding Quandary Content
  8. How to utilise Pop ups
    1. Inserting isolated Popups
    2. To Insert an embedded Popup in Word 2007:
    3. To Insert an embedded Popup in Word 2003:
    4. Using Images and Media with Popups
    5. Popup Accessibility
  9. Flexible self test quiz making using Hot Potatoes
    1. Starting Hot Potatoes - Options and The Masher
    2. Creating Hot Potatoes - Ordering Exercise
    3. Creating Hot Potatoes - Jumbled Word Exercise
    4. Embedding Hot Potatoes content
  10. Linking to other places within your tutorial
    1. Navigating your tutorial
  11. Hotspots from images
    1. Creating an Image Map
    2. Embedding image map
  12. Drag and Drop labelling activities
    1. Choosing between Dragster 2 and Dragster 3
    2. Creating a Dragster activity 1/3
    3. Creating a Dragster activity 2/3
    4. Creating a Dragster activity 3/3
    5. Embedding a Dragster 2 activity
    6. Embedding a Dragster 3 activity
  13. Customising the way your tutorial looks
    1. Existing Schemes
    2. Creating a new scheme
    3. What is customisable?
    4. Adding a Logo
    5. Changing colours and presentation of your scheme
    6. Changing the background colour of the course name
    7. Changing the footer, background and font colour
    8. Altering the fonts (In the index)
  14. Frequently Asked Questions