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Sharing presentations online

An online presentation storage system can store your PowerPoint presentations and display them, with an inbuilt player to manipulate them. Below is an example of's presentation hosting system as embedded in Wimba Create.

Example of usage at the University of Bristol - Nick Skelton

The programme we will be looking at here is a web based presentation sharing service called Slideshare. This service requires registration but is free to use and has additional audio functionality. It introduces us to the use of the cgHTMLinclude style as a tool for embedding more complex objects.

In this section we will:

  • Give examples of hosted slides
  • Introduce you to embedding Slideshare into a Wimba Create document

Normally when we share lecture presentations with our students we just allow access to the .ppt or .pptx file on the VLE. We can share presentations without having to attach the file and rely on the recipient student having Powerpoint installed.

The system can be found here -