so this is how

Part title

So This is How You Spend Your Time [Click here for an excerpt]

Part identifier



Part type

Electronic, digital and audio visual


Part creator

Layzell, Richard


Part medium



Part description

Richard describes So This is How You Spend Your Time as an episodic work which becomes robotic. It was shot in Brighton Polytechnic in 1982. The work features a sequence of cuts between a blinking eye and a ticking metronome. The dialogue in the work was improvised while the sound of the metronome was recorded live. The blower brush, also featured in the work was unusual, an everyday object which was not quite what it seemed to be. Richard feels the act of using it to brush between the fingers of a hand is putting the brush to a surreal use.

Richard chose to include this extract because he felt it related directly to him as a performer and feels it was the best and 'punchiest' extract included in I Never Done Enough Weird Stuff. Richard recognises the tactic of using clips of earlier video works during a performance as a process which can lose some of the meaning in the video piece. He feels it can also look a little 'ham-fisted' and, on reflection he feels he might have shown less. Richard describes the shift from the So This is How You Spend Your Time extract, back to real space as a 'psychic' shift.


Description compiled via interview with Richard Layzell, University of Bristol, 2008.

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