Paul Gregg and Elizabeth Washbrook, researchers on this IFSSOCA project, were funded by the Jospeph Rowntree Foundation to do a piece of work around aspirations in childhood. The research carried out has many cross overs with the work being carried out on the IFSSOCA grant. Below are the documents published as a result of this work:
1. Poorer children’s education attainment: How important are attitudes and behaviour. Alissa Goodman and Paul Gregg. Joseph Rowntree Publication. March 2010.
How much do affluence and disadvantage influence educational attainment?
This research focuses on a range of factors under the umbrella term 'aspirations, attitudes and behaviours', encompassing a wide variety of influences throughout childhood. This study:
- uses a number of large-scale longitudinal data sources capturing groups of children in the UK from early childhood through to late adolescence;
- examines attainment gaps between richer and poorer children and influences on these, from pre-school through to secondary school;
- considers the importance of expectations and aspirations for higher education;
- looks at the intergenerational picture; and
- suggests some policy conclusions relating to parents and the family home, and children's own attitudes and behaviours.
2. In-equalities in education outcomes amongst children 3- 16. Alissa Goodman, Luke Sibieta, Elizabeth Washbrook. Final Report for the National Equality Panel. September 2009.
The Joseph Rowntree Foundation document provided the groundwork for this report.
3. The socio-economic gradient in child outcomes: the role of attitudes, behaviours and beliefs. The primary school years. Paul Gregg and Elizabeth Washbrook. Report for the Joseph Rowntree Foundation. October 2009. (pdf 280 kB)
Appendices (pdf 179 kB).