The website

Economic Growth Resources is maintained by Jonathan Temple, Professor in Economics at the University of Bristol, UK. The site was set up in October 1995 to help growth researchers make the most of the internet, and was initially hosted by Nuffield College, Oxford. Usage has grown rapidly and in 1999 the site received about 70,000 hits to the front page.

In August 2001 the site was extensively revised, and moved to its new home at the University of Bristol. The site now makes use of cascading style sheets, allowing more flexibility in design, faster download times and displays better suited to a variety of machines. I learnt about style sheets using this online tutorial.

Since being set up, Economic Growth Resources has benefited from suggestions by Dan Brickley, Gavin Cameron, Eom Dong-Wook, William Easterly, Gerardo Esquivel, Oded Galor, Thomas Krichel, David Lancefield, Claudiney Pereira, and Guglielmo Volpe, among others.

I am grateful to Mark Lawton and Neil Shephard of Nuffield College for allowing me to set up the site, and to Nuffield College for hosting it from October 1995 until August 2001.

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The contents of these pages are © Jonathan Temple 1995-2001.