Nominating your work

My original plan was to read almost everything, and then make editorial judgements about what to include. Not surprisingly that has turned out to be unworkable, so instead I'm happy for researchers to nominate their own work. Please note, however, that priority will be given to papers that are available in easily accessible journals.

If you want to nominate one or more papers for inclusion in the key references, the steps are as follows.

Also, if you would like to make a data set available on the web, but do not have access to a web server, I may be able to help with this. Contact me for further details.

Finally, I have to fit editing these pages around other commitments, so updating can be a little haphazard. Most submissions will appear within two months at the latest, though.

My mailing address is: Jonathan Temple, Department of Economics, University of Bristol, 8 Woodland Road, Bristol BS8 1TN, UK.