(2) Public Symposium:
Is Japan an Equal Society? Policies against Poverty and Social Exclusion



What is Social Exclusion?
Lessons from the UK, Hopes for Japan

Venue: North Hall, Keio University, Tokyo
Time: January 7th, 2012 13:00~17:15

Click on each speaker's name to read a short biography and download their presentation.

13.00 — Opening Words
Dr Nishimura, Director, IPSS

13.15 — Keynote Speeches
David Gordon, University of Bristol:
Poverty and Social Exclusion Policies in the UK

Makoto Yuasa, Head, Social Exclusion Unit Japan:
The Success and Failures of Social Inclusion Policy in Japan

15.00 — Break

15.15 — Panel Discussion
Moderator: Aya Abe, NIPSSR

David Gordon, Bristol University
Makoto Yuasa, Social Exclusion Unit Japan
Jonathan Bradshaw, York University
Christina Pantazis, Bristol University
Kohei Komamura, Keio University →
Masami Iwata, Japan Women's University
Toshiaki Tachibanaki, Doshisha University

Download Transcript PDF (Japanese)

17.15 — Close

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Kohei Komamura

Kohei Komamura is Economist, Professor of Economics at Keio University, Advisor to the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare, Social Welfare, Member to the Committee of Social Security Council. His research interests focus on Economic Policy and Social Security. He received his PhD degree in the Economic Policy from Graduate School, Keio University in 1995. He was the researcher of the Institute of Social Security Research in 1993, the researcher of the National Institute of Population and Social Security Research (NIPSSR) in 1996, and the visiting researcher of the Research Office, the Committee on Health, Welfare and Labour, the House of Councillors in 2002. He was awarded the Best Paper Award of Japan Economic Policy Association in 1995, the Health Policy Research Grants Fund from Yoshimura Memorial Charitable Trust, and the Japan Society of Household Economics Award in 2001.

Selected Recent Publications

Social Economic System in Japan (in Japanese, edited by Japan Economic Policy Association), Yuhikaku (1995)

Social Security in Developed Countries: United Kingdom, Social Security in Developed Countries: Sweden, (in Japanese, eds.), University of Tokyo Press (1999)

Economic Analysis of Pension and Household (in Japanese), with Shibuya, T. and Urata, F., Toyo Keizai, (2000)

What Pension Will Be? (in Japanese), Iwanami Shoten (2003)

The Desired Social Security Reform (in Japanese), with Kikuchi, K., Junposha (2009)

Large Social Poverty (in Japanese), Kadokawa Shisho SSC (2009)

Guaranteed Minimum Income (in Japanese, eds.), Iwanami Shoten (2010)

Comprehensive Policy of Welfare (in Japanese), Soseisha (2011)

