Directory of Experts

Details for Professor Jim Kyle

Personal details
Name Professor Jim Kyle
Job title Emeritus Professor
Department Social Sciences and Law Faculty Office University of Bristol
Personal web page
Work contact details
Email address
Qualifications M.A.(Glas.), M.Sc.(Stir.), Ph.D.(Lond.), C.Psychol., F.B.Ps.S.
Professional details
Membership of professional bodies Fellow of the British Psychological Society
Keywords Deaf Community
British Sign Language
sign bilingualism
Deaf Learning
technology for Deaf access
legal matters in regard to Deaf people
Areas of expertise Have worked with Deaf people since 1974. Experience of research projects, locally, nationally and internationally. Particular focuses on
* Deaf community issues and Deaf lifestyle
* Assessment of Deaf Children
* Issues in Legal cases with Deaf people
* Deaf learning
* Technology - sign language on line; videophones; Deaf people and Broadband
Languages (other than English)
Bsl - Signed spoken    written
Media experience Radio and TV appearances
Articles in newspapers
Advisory role in regard to Deaf issues investigated by journalists