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Details for Dr Claire Rice

Personal details
Name Dr Claire Rice
Job title Consultant Senior Lecturer in Multiple Sclerosis Neurology
Department Bristol Medical School (THS) University of Bristol
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications BA, MB BChir, MA, PhD, FRCP, PGCert TLHE, FHEA
Professional details
Keywords stem cells
transplant material
human bone marrow
Areas of expertise Stem cells are primitive cells capable of developing into a number of different mature cell types. Increasingly, adult human stem cells are recognised to have many of the properties previously thought to be specific to embryonic stem cells. Such cells would have several advantages as a source of transplant material in disease states as they would avoid the practical and ethical concerns surrounding use of embryonic tissue, would avoid rejection and are relatively easy to obtain. I am isolating stem cells from adult human bone marrow and, by manipulation of their culture conditions, differentiating them along neuroectodermal lineage.